New Journey - 2nd time around

Pamela3 Posts: 96 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Why is the second time around so hard?

I spent my entire life obese until I made the decision to change on 8/7/07. I lost 88.6lbs by 4/1/09. It is now May 2011 and I have gained 40lbs. :( The gain ends here - I've maintained for a few months now trying to get the motivation to lose again, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how - LOL. In the past I used Weight Watchers and had a trainer. The downside with those is that I used them as a crutch for success and when the weren't there or I wasn't in my normal atmosphere, I was off plan totally. I want to learn how to do everything on my own, have self accountability, and develop my own habits. Hopefully, that will keep me from haing the same problems I had in the past.

I tracked today, but it wasn't a good day. I will track tomorrow with more attention going into what I'm eating and being prepared for getting hungry on the run. I will never be 255lbs again, but I am at 206 and that's WAY MORE than I'm comfortable with. Time for a change - a positive one - a life improving one.


  • ajones2469
    ajones2469 Posts: 4 Member
    Is there anything I can do to help? I have just joined MFP for the first time and have struggled my whole life with weight. If you need some support from others, even though we don't know each other PLEASE let me know!!! We are ALL working towards the same gaol!!
  • Pamela3
    Pamela3 Posts: 96 Member
    YES! One thing that is extremely helpful is weight loss buddies - even if you're not physically close. We can text, e-mail, whatever. Random chek-ins - weekly check-ins - challenges. It's all helpful.
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