Weight loss vs time doing cardio

I heard on TV the other day that you have to do about an hour of cardio a day to maintain your weight... Is that true? If so, how long should you workout cardio/weights to lose weight? Just starting to get frustrated. Thanks!!!


  • korgscrew
    korgscrew Posts: 99 Member
    In my honest opinion, thats BS.

    Do as long as you can. I can only do 45 mins in the morning that includes weights and cardio, I also fit in 30 shred after work.

    Its true you should step it up every 4 - 6 weeks though as you will get used to your workout.

    This could include higher weights, less walking more jogging. HIgher incline on the tredmill or a higer level on the bike.

    When it comes down to it its Calories in VS calories out.