Just started running...any tips

Hi friends!! So if you really knew me, you would know that I have always hated running (even many, many years ago when I played sports in high school). But I have alot of friends who run and one who has totally reshaped her body and looks amazing. So I decided to give it a go...my friends have been patient with me as I have been running very slow and had to stop to walk, and their encouragement has gotten me stronger. So tonight not only did I surpass my first goal of running 1 mile without stopping, at the turn around point, I ran the entire mile back...so 2 miles!!! It was slow and steady, but I did it!! And I did it all on my own with just my ipod as company! I am looking for suggestions as to breathing, how to gain more distance, maybe when to up my speed...things like that! Would love any advice...even if it's just great songs to run to!! Thanks!!


  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    The number one, most important thing to know - in my opinion - is go get a good pair of running shoes. Go to a store that specializes in running (NOT Target or Payless or anything like that) and have them fit you. They will look at your stride, your footfall and your arch and find the right pair. The wrong pair of shoes can lead to discomfort or - at worst - injuries where the right pair can really make the experience a lot more pleasant. Good luck and remember to have fun!!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Well, I would recommend the Couch to 5k program, but you're already running! There are unlimited number of podcasts you can easily download to your iPod... I like the Podrunner Intervals one. They use walk/run intervals to increase distance to get you running 5k or 8k or longer! Also, make sure you take a rest day (from running) after you run. You can do other things, walk, strength train, swim, bike, elliptical... just don't run two consecutive days. You risk injury!

    Good luck! I never ever EVER ran before last spring... started at age 38 and just finished my first 10k a couple weeks ago!!! If I can do it, anyone can!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Couch to 5K definitely. I know this sounds weird, I always smile when I run. I think it convinces my body that this is greatest fun ever.
  • Kellie0710
    Kellie0710 Posts: 95 Member
    DEFINITELY A GOOD PAIR OF SHOES!!!! I was running in some crappy ones I got from walmart and ended up with stress fractures, which will put you out for weeks!! Drink plenty of water and eat a good meal to give you the strength you need for you run.

    I am just starting out as a runner, tonight i ran 0.75 miles straight, which is impressive for me, lol so intervals really work for me, jogging for a few minutes, then walking for a few minutes, but you seem to be able to cover some distance pretty well =)
  • mandikess
    mandikess Posts: 9
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    just don't run two consecutive days. You risk injury!

    I'm just curious - do all runners skip a day in between runs? I don't run every day, but I sometimes will run 2 days in a row, then take a day off. Should I change it to every other day or something?
  • carolynmittens
    that's awesome that you have started running! :) here are my tips:

    - keep your back straight and your head up, try not to slouch forward
    - keep your shoulders relatively stationary and try to move your arms in a downward motion as oppose to across the front of your body.
    - avoid landing hard on your heel and rolling your foot forward, try to land more on your toes and imagine pushing off of the ground as opposed to landing on it. your shins will thank you!
    - tie your shoes tight
    - breath in through the nose, out through the mouth

    good luck!
  • rileydi
    rileydi Posts: 23 Member
    I have a decent pair of shoes now...but I will definitely get a great pair when I get paid this week!
    Monday is spin at the gym, so I will not be running anyway!
    Thanks for all the great advice so far guys! I feel amazing right now!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    The number one, most important thing to know - in my opinion - is go get a good pair of running shoes. Go to a store that specializes in running (NOT Target or Payless or anything like that) and have them fit you. They will look at your stride, your footfall and your arch and find the right pair. The wrong pair of shoes can lead to discomfort or - at worst - injuries where the right pair can really make the experience a lot more pleasant. Good luck and remember to have fun!!

    I'd agree with this if it were not for the #1 rule...do NOT let yourself overtrain. It's easy to do. I knoe this as I sit here with...so far...6 weeks worth of shin splints as I'd hoped to train for a marathon in June. (not gonna happen)
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    Hey there! Running is indeed a great way to get into shape. I have been a "runner" for a few years (I have just recently gotten serious and am in training to do a half marathon soon). My first bit of advice is to set a quantifiable goal. The Couch to 5K (aka C25K) program seems to work for a lot of people here. Otherwise, no matter the distance you run, it will feel like you are not getting anywhere. Secondly, STRETCH! Both before and after your run. Minimum of 30 seconds per stretch. This will save you some serious pain down the road. Running is hard on your knees, shins, hips, back and neck. Sore knees and ankles can be lessened, even avoided, by a goodly amount of stretching. Lastly, know your body. There are some days, like you did today, where you can really push yourself and come out on top. There will be other days where your body is just not going to respond as well as you like. Don't get discouraged. This is natural. Just know the difference between "I need to push myself" and "I should slow down and maybe consider just a brisk walk" today. As far as good music, I enjoy heavy drum beat and bass lines (The Ramones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica). Anything that makes you happy will help you run.
    If you have any other running questions, I will be happy to try and answer them. :) Good luck and have fun on your runs!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    just don't run two consecutive days. You risk injury!

    I'm just curious - do all runners skip a day in between runs? I don't run every day, but I sometimes will run 2 days in a row, then take a day off. Should I change it to every other day or something?

    I always take a day off between runs. If you want additional cardio the day after a run, hit the elliptical or the bike or the pool (something that is low/no impact). But your body and joints need a day to recover and rebuild, especially if you are running outside on pavement. Running can be very hard on the body if you don't take care of yourself.
  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    I hated running in highschool as well and then one day about 12 years ago I just started running. I ran around the block and thought I was going to have a heart attack! LOL!

    Anyway, I just kept doing it and love it!! Especially the apres run, the endorphins and feeling of accomplishment are amazing.

    To increase your distance, I would just run your distance, then walk, then try running a little bit further. Slowly you just add mileage. I wouldn't worry about increasing speed for awhile. Try to get to your goal - 5K, 10K whatever it is, and then worry about speed!

    It's a great workout you can do anywhere, anytime -- “There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - Nike
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I have not read the others... My biggest tip for starting to run is: DON"T STOP WHEN IT GET HARD! I don't mean don't stop during an individual workout, I mean over all. It seriously took me about 5 or 6 MONTHS to get use to running consistantly and to eventually like it. Now I run every morning. I would always run for about a week before and stop because I thought running sucked. It doesn't. It just takes a while to get use to it.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    just don't run two consecutive days. You risk injury!

    I'm just curious - do all runners skip a day in between runs? I don't run every day, but I sometimes will run 2 days in a row, then take a day off. Should I change it to every other day or something?

    Um, I don't know about this. I run about 5 or 6 miles every day.
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    You can run more often than every other day if you like. From what I've read, you do need to run at least 3 times per week to improve. Just listen to your body and go from there. I typically run 4-5 times a week. I take a day off before my long run and either one or two days off after it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You can run just about as much as I can so no tips here! I try to get in a lot of water to keep my muscles cooperating for me. I'm working on improving my 5k time, trying to increase how long I can run. I can run a mile in a decent time but after that, I can't run for another mile so I'm working on that. Good luck to you lady!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    one thing that hasn't been mentioned yet that helped me was belly breathing. focus on filling your belly with air, not your lungs. And I breath through both my nose and moth at the same time, my mouth is slack and slightly open. http://running.about.com/od/howtorun/ht/deepbellybreathing.htm

    I also started with the couch 2 5k, and you are already well on your way. I used these podcasts: www.kissmyblackass.org they were extremely helpful getting through the tough runs. Once I got past week 5, I feel in love! I regularly run 2-3 times a week even when not training for something :)
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    1. Good shoes
    2. GREAT sports bra
    3. Warm up
    4. There is no such thing as running too slowly, work on distance first, then work on pace
    5. Stretching afterwards
    6. www.runningahead.com.au for all your running related questions - they are an amazing fountain of knowledge

    Good luck, running is hard work but its so good.