Dehydrator Divas

BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
I thought I would start a thread for all the Dehydrator fans out there! A place to meet other dehydrator fans, share ideas and recipes, etc!

I posted one on my blog today and that link is in my profile.
If you would like to be friends send me a request with Dehydrator Divas in the body or something like that :)


  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    My mom bought me a dehydrator almost 30 years ago!! I still have it and have bought two more. I started making beef jerky for Christmas presents back then and still do today! All the kids in my family get dehydrated bananas, apples and peaches. I don't use the recommended lemon juice; I use orange juice. The OJ give it a sweet tang that is sooo good. I have seen whole apple slices (with core and seeds) used to make wreaths, but I have yet to try it. As for my jerky, simple is best: Soy sauce and liquid smoke: Soak for 15 - 20 minutes and dry. I usually do 40 pounds just for the holidays. I would love to hear other people's ideas and recipes.
  • winneau
    winneau Posts: 139 Member
    My mom just picked up a little dehydrator from a garage sale for a couple of bucks and gave it to me. I have *no* idea how to use it, and I can't find a manual for it!! It just says "Cyclone Food Dehydrator" on it. Any advice on how to start? Just slice up some stuff and stick in until it's dry??

    Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:
  • BlissfulYoga
    BlissfulYoga Posts: 88 Member
    I have been making Kale Chips!!! LOVE them! I also like to do Cauliflower "popcorn" :)
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    My mom just picked up a little dehydrator from a garage sale for a couple of bucks and gave it to me. I have *no* idea how to use it, and I can't find a manual for it!! It just says "Cyclone Food Dehydrator" on it. Any advice on how to start? Just slice up some stuff and stick in until it's dry??

    Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:

    For meat: slice thin and soak in soy, liquid smoke and other spices / juice. The meat department will do the cutting for you, but be sure to get meat with no marbled fat in the meat - outside is fine (just trim with scissors)

    For Fruit: slice ripe fruit thinly and put in OJ, pineapple juice (not too long, enzymes break it down) I've even tried cranberry juice with apples.

    ** be sure all fruit/veggies/meats are dry!!! Moisture = mold ** Depending on whether you dehydrator has a fan or not will determine the drying time. Rotating the food trays will help too, but it will take hours.
  • fabulouslyfun
    this is awesome. I haven't used mine in about 5 years, thank you for reminding me.
  • light_shimmer
    light_shimmer Posts: 118 Member
    bump, I've been meaning to use mine more!
  • turtleohs
    turtleohs Posts: 127 Member
    Love my dehydrator. I just recently made 'sun' dried tomatoes and they are AWESOME... Never buying over priced store bought sun dried tomatoes again... This is my recipe:

    basically I cut up the tomatoes and put them in my dehydrator (I cut them into wedges)... I dehydrated them for like two days... once they were FULLY dry I then put them in a mason jar... I layered them with basil and fresh garlic and added olive oil as I did each layer... then you're supposed to let them sit for about a week to soften them up a bit, but mine dont seem like they will soften up, so when I was ready to use them I just put some water on them and microwaved them for a few minutes! I think that's everything...was really easy! Im not sure how long they are good for storage wise...and I tried to put them in the fridge but the oil got hard... I figure they wont last long in my house anyway so I will have to do some more research to look for storage options.
  • mymasterskitten
    i recently got a dehydrator at a yard sale, brand new, never used, complete with a jerky strip pump! i've already dried a few things, and am loving it so far. i don't have access to a kitchen for lunch on most days, but i do have access to a coffee maker. i am looking forward to making some dehydrated soup mixes and other 'instant' lunches. SO much healthier than raman! the first thing i dehydrated was a *bunch* of lettuces i had that were starting to wilt. i throw a few pinches in just about anything i'm making for a little added fiber and nutrients. also had a lot of success with drying mushrooms and some fruit. having a new way to plan my meals and make them ahead of time has got me refocused on eating healthy. :D

  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    I am thinking about getting a dehydrator...Is there a specific brand that you would recommend or not recommend?
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    What brand do you recommend? I'd love one.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My dad just gave me a dehydrator! I haven't used one since I was a teen.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    bump for later!
  • mikioi
    mikioi Posts: 86 Member
    I've been wanting to purchase a dehydrator for some time now! Any suggestions for a reasonably priced but decent model?
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member

    need some more ideas
  • heatherconcoff
    Hi - I'm totally into my dehydrator! The book I love is Gong Raw... The raw scones (dehydrated) are delicious! Also, flax seed crackers, and whole grain/nut veggie burgers, buns, taco meat, etc... All vegetarian and dehydrated. I've got a bunch of the scones in now.

    I also like the book, Raw 50 by Carol Alt.
  • heatherconcoff
    Also - I bought the Excalibur Dehydrator 9 tray with silicone sheets... great! Can't wait ot dry more apples!