Just had a baby and on medication

Hi Everyone my name is Emma. I am 20 from Victoria Australia. I had a baby 4 months ago and I am now 97 kg. Before I got pregnant I went on medication for mood problems and gained around 30 kilos.... I use to be about 53 kg... until I started the medication then I got pregnant and gained about 16 kg or something

I have always had problems with self image I am so miserable being considered obese now... I thought I was fat when I was 53 kg.... so you can imagine how bad I feel now. I am an emotional eater I have learned... I get very hungry and have large food portions my medication contributes to this. I also need to lose weight because I have 50% chance of getting diabetes (I had gestational diabetes) since having my baby I eat so much better barely any take away and I actually eat vegetables but I don't lose any weight. Because I suffer with depression I find it hard to get up and out of bed and exercise and cook proper meals. I use to be able to eat whatever I wanted till I went on medication and then BANG I just gained all this weight within a year. I don't want to be as skinny as I use to be but... I want to be healthy. My body is covered in stretch marks pretty much everywhere.. this is no over statement. I am very worried about my relationship as I met my partner when I was very skinny but he says he still loves me.

But I really need to change for me , my health and my daughter :) If anyone else is in a similiar situation add me... I need people who are having the same battle! sorry for the essay!


  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Congrats on the birth of your daughter :) And welcome to mfp, it's a wonderful community.

    My heart goes out to you, and I wish you much strength and success on your weight loss journey. I started at a whooping 115kgs, but am down to 86kgs now, plenty still to go, but feeling good :)

    I have stretch marks everywhere too (four children!), it's hard wearing short tops, pant and things, but I'm trying to learn to embrace them as part of motherhood :)
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Sorry to gear about your struggle. I don't have depression so I can't relate to that but I do have an 8m old baby. I've always been fairly slim with a naturally toned tummy so I struggled getting bigger during pregnancy. After I had my beautiful daughter I had 45lbs to lose and my lack of confidence spurred me on. Mfp helped loads, don't get discouraged. Stick with it even when you are tired, exercise like hell and you will regain your figure. I did a stupid amount of cardio in the beginning and it really worked to lose the fat (even the mum tum!) and as I got closer to goal doing regular strength training helped to tighten things up.

    As for the stretchmarks...I've been told they never completely go away. Mine have faded significantly. Yes they are still there but they're not horrible and red like they were before so I'm thankful for that. Now I feel comfortable to get my legs out (even though they are covered!) because they aren't as bad as before. I think this is down to keeping my body and skin hydrated and moisturised so lots of water and moisturising twice a day all over my body with cocoa butter.

    Good luck, I hope you stick with it and see the results you want.
  • bittersweeto8
    bittersweeto8 Posts: 4 Member
    I wish you all the luck in the world- you are a beautiful girl- and congrats! You will do great.

    I'm a binge eater, pretty much- i dont know when to stop. But I'm slowly learning because i really want my life back. ANd i have stretch marks and i dont even have kids!

    Don't stress over your relationship- just relax and focus on your goals :)

    good luck!