Jumping on the weightloss wagon!!

meghanclaire Posts: 1
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all!

My name's Meghan, I'm 21 I've got a little 4 month old boy - which is the reason I am here! Never before in my life have I ever had to watch what I eat or try to lose weight, so I figure I'm going to need a hand with this otherwise the ice-cream in the freezer is going to get the better of me!

So the figures are, I'm currently sitting on 80-81kg and would like to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 64kg (or a little less, I wouldn't mind) The reason behind my weightloss goals is I'M GETTING MARRIED! YAY! March 3rd 2012, and there is not a chance at this weight that I will fit into my dress - so - here I am! Ready to shed the pounds and look fabulous on my big day!

Look forward to getting to know everyone!!


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