Question about donating blood

I'm going to a blood drive on tuesday, and I have a question:

Does a person need more calories after donating blood?

I ask this partly because I wanna know, and partly because I really hate the whole blood giving process but getting to eat more would kinda make it worth it(I'll donate either way though!) :laugh:

But seriously, I really hate needles. Especially when they are being poked into my vein. :indifferent:


  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    I'm going to a blood drive on tuesday, and I have a question:

    Does a person need more calories after donating blood?

    I ask this partly because I wanna know, and partly because I really hate the whole blood giving process but getting to eat more would kinda make it worth it(I'll donate either way though!) :laugh:

    But seriously, I really hate needles. Especially when they are being poked into my vein. :indifferent:
  • Sunibc22
    I am pretty sure you don't need more calories. But you should eat a decent meal not too long before and have a small snack right after. You also shouldn't work out that day....especially after. Sorry for the bad news of no extra calories!! :grumble:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Awww, too bad! :laugh: I already kinda figured that, since the nurses would probably have mentioned it, and no one has said anything about it in the past. Can't blame a girl for trying though, right? :wink:

    I guess a good excuse not to work out is something though. :bigsmile:
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Just make sure you dont have low iron. I like to give blood but at times have been turned away because of it. I have also almost passed out from the feeling it has given me. If it makes you feel better bring a juice with you and maybe something to snack on. And like the post above make sure you eat something first.

  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Aww, c' have to burn extra calories to remake the pint you gave!!! The body doesn't do anything for free. Think this might take some more research. MAybe not a huge number but sumptin!!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Also, make sure to drink plenty of liquids before and after giving blood. The Red Cross will usually give you some juice and cookies right after and have you stick around for a little bit if you are feeling dizzy/woozy.

    Good for you! :heart:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Where do I sign up???

    Just found this on the Mayo Clinic website, so you know it's good fact:

    "You burn about 650 calories by donating one pint of blood."
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Where do I sign up???

    Just found this on the Mayo Clinic website, so you know it's good fact:

    "You burn about 650 calories by donating one pint of blood."

    here's the addy
    its waaayyyy at the bottom
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Wow! That's more than I burn with my exercise.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Where do I sign up???

    Just found this on the Mayo Clinic website, so you know it's good fact:

    "You burn about 650 calories by donating one pint of blood."

    Are you serious? Is this true? Hmmm...if it is, sign me up!!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Just found this that explains why:

    Your blood is constantly recycling, and it is the loss of haemoglobin/iron when you donate blood that triggers synthesis of more RBC. This process takes a few days, and could burn about 600 cals. The same thing happens if you get a viral infection etc....
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    Where do I sign up???

    Just found this on the Mayo Clinic website, so you know it's good fact:

    "You burn about 650 calories by donating one pint of blood."

    Wow! That's amazing! I burnt that many calories today but I did two INTENSE hour long this morning and one this evening...I have always wanted to donate blood, but the phlebotomists have trouble getting blood out of me when they have to for lab work...but I may just need to super hydrate and donate some blood...650 calories is awesome!
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    Just found this that explains why:

    Your blood is constantly recycling, and it is the loss of haemoglobin/iron when you donate blood that triggers synthesis of more RBC. This process takes a few days, and could burn about 600 cals. The same thing happens if you get a viral infection etc....

    Woohoo! The blood mobile unit parks in front of my office building once a month. I've always had the intention of making out there to donate, but don't like the thought of needles too much either. This is motivation enough for me to get my butt out there next time. :smile:
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    OK folks.....I'm asking my niece who is a new Doc....see if she can give us a 'real' documented answer. I have seen the Mayo one cited all over the net and think it might work as the quick and dirty answer, but seems far from complete. I'll keep ya posted.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Heehee, what a horrible reason for me to want to donate!!

    (I already had a coworker henpeck me about it, and I had decided I'll brave the needle during the next blood drive at work in October.)
  • jlwhelan1
    Please donate and donate often.

    My son had six units when he was three days old during his heart repairs.

    You never know whose life you will save.:heart:
  • pinkpixies
    I haven't donated in a little over a year. I have to take insane amounts of iron suppliments just to get my iron high enough to donate. :laugh: I love donating though! Makes me feel like I'm doing something important.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm getting flashbacks.....:indifferent: Oh, man. I hated the way I felt after giving blood the last time. But, I didn't eat enough before and almost passed out during the process. Yeah, they laid me down and brought me cookies, the whole nine yards. Felt pretty silly, too. I knew to drink plenty of water, but should've had a fulfilling meal beforehand as well. I'm still gonna do it again, though!

    It's a very rewarding feeling just knowing that you're blood could help save a life.
  • pinkpixies
    I'm getting flashbacks.....:indifferent: Oh, man. I hated the way I felt after giving blood the last time. But, I didn't eat enough before and almost passed out during the process. Yeah, they laid me down and brought me cookies, the whole nine yards. Felt pretty silly, too. I knew to drink plenty of water, but should've had a fulfilling meal beforehand as well. I'm still gonna do it again, though!

    It's a very rewarding feeling just knowing that you're blood could help save a life.

    Same thing happened to me last time. :laugh: I got super dizzy when I tried to sit up...and they made me lay back down and brought me juice and pb crackers. hehe
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Where do I sign up???

    Just found this on the Mayo Clinic website, so you know it's good fact:

    "You burn about 650 calories by donating one pint of blood."

    Good to know, I donated yesterday. I guess it's compensation for the fact that they tell you not to do any strenuous exercise for 24 hours.