"Angel" - favourite episode ever :)



  • apetty21
    apetty21 Posts: 137
    I always wanted to know why Ethan Rayne called him "Ripper".... lots of dark secrets hiding in his past which were hinted at but never really explained. There was always more to Giles than we ever saw.

    My summary? Nickname from childhood/teenage days when he explored dark magic with Ethan and friends. More in depth summary from wikipedia? "He began to explore dark magic and befriended a group of young people who delved into the dark arts for fun or money: Ethan Rayne, Philip Henry, Dierdre Page, Thomas Sutcliff, and Randall. Giles gained the nickname "Ripper" during this time. Together, the group summoned a particularly grotesque demon called Eyghon, who would eventually murder Randall. Following Randall's death, Ethan and the others failed to exorcise Eyghon, and Giles accepted his destiny of becoming a Watcher." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Giles
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I always wanted to know why Ethan Rayne called him "Ripper".... lots of dark secrets hiding in his past which were hinted at but never really explained. There was always more to Giles than we ever saw.

    My summary? Nickname from childhood/teenage days when he explored dark magic with Ethan and friends. More in depth summary from wikipedia? "He began to explore dark magic and befriended a group of young people who delved into the dark arts for fun or money: Ethan Rayne, Philip Henry, Dierdre Page, Thomas Sutcliff, and Randall. Giles gained the nickname "Ripper" during this time. Together, the group summoned a particularly grotesque demon called Eyghon, who would eventually murder Randall. Following Randall's death, Ethan and the others failed to exorcise Eyghon, and Giles accepted his destiny of becoming a Watcher." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Giles

    Destiny of becoming the best Watcher ever!
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I always wanted to know why Ethan Rayne called him "Ripper".... lots of dark secrets hiding in his past which were hinted at but never really explained. There was always more to Giles than we ever saw.

    My summary? Nickname from childhood/teenage days when he explored dark magic with Ethan and friends. More in depth summary from wikipedia? "He began to explore dark magic and befriended a group of young people who delved into the dark arts for fun or money: Ethan Rayne, Philip Henry, Dierdre Page, Thomas Sutcliff, and Randall. Giles gained the nickname "Ripper" during this time. Together, the group summoned a particularly grotesque demon called Eyghon, who would eventually murder Randall. Following Randall's death, Ethan and the others failed to exorcise Eyghon, and Giles accepted his destiny of becoming a Watcher." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Giles

    Cool - never knew that was on Wiki....
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