My husband said it too.



  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member

    What women think is going on inside our heads?... LOL

    ahh ha but its true lol- knows this from my 3 brothers who confide in me everything a boyfriend or husband would never want a woman to ever know about what they were really thinking or feeling. :devil:
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I had that from a male friend, and go figure since I have to lose over 100 lbs lol
    I think when a man says that he is implying a few things-

    translating male lingo, "hope you dont lose too much weight"

    here we go follow along please....

    your guy noticed your weight loss and he knows your beautiful and now dropping a few lbs you maybe even more beautiful and sexy, he is remembering perhaps the former- younger , thinner you he met and fell in love with so he wanted to compliment you on your success because he realized you were motivated, dedicated to really attain your goal. Then he imaged you at your goal, kudos to you, but then he also got suddenly panic stricken that if he noticed his hot girl then other guys will notice you too and he got freaked out and decided to tell you "hope you dont lose too much weight" meaning hope when you get thin some other guy doesnt catch your eye and lure you away from me. In other words I love you through thick( read fat) and thin -please if you change your body , dont change your heart and mind about me since I am sudddenly feeling insecure because I know how amazing and hot you are so please dont leave me! Its just his way of saying how much he cares and thats how much you mean to him lol.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Well, I don't know what's going on in his head. But, I can add this: When I asked him why, he said because he would worry about me if I were too thin. I think this is because in his culture being thin means being sick.

    As for men liking curves: My husband fell in love with me when I was several pounds lighter than I am now. So, obviously he liked me that way. Also, I have noticed that as I get thinner, I get asked to dance more often when we go out salsa-dancing. We went out a couple nights ago, and I hardly sat all night. It wasn't like this when I was 10 pounds heavier!

    So, my conclusion is that men like me better when I'm thinner. The proof is in the pudding!
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    well, my husband says he likes me how I am - always said that - but also comments on what I eat fairly often so I think he does love me how I am b/c of WHO I am, but would prefer me to look better but knows there is only so much I can do there so he's being supportive.
  • SommerJo
    SommerJo Posts: 258 Member
    My guys says it too. I think he has insecurities -- normal, natural insecurities. I think he worries a bit that he's not good enough for me. That if I lose weight and become a more "accepted" form of attractive -- that someone "better" will come along and sweep me off my feet.

    I worry too that because he's genuinely physically attracted to plus size women -- he'll no longer be attracted to me when I make it to my goal.

    But I need to trust that he loves me for me -- for who I am -- for how I treat him. And he needs to trust me that he's exactly who I want to spend my life with.

    Of course it could be just a safety request -- I've heard that making whoopie with some women of a certain size can be quite painful for males.
  • fh1951
    fh1951 Posts: 441 Member
    What women think is going on inside our heads?... LOL

    ahh ha but its true lol- knows this from my 3 brothers who confide in me everything a boyfriend or husband would never want a woman to ever know about what they were really thinking or feeling. :devil:

    Joking aside, women's feelings are more complex and complicated than men's. That's why we <3 you!
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I've certainly decided after almost 7 years of marriage that I can take what my husband says at face value. I won't make generalizations to all men, but I know my man says what he means and means what he says. When he says he's thinking about nothing, he has somehow completely switched off (I so envy that). When he says he loves me no matter what, I know that to be true. When he says he loves me fat or thin, I know that's true. When he says he supports me in my weight loss journey as long as I'm being healthy, he really does. Damn, I love my man! :love:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I want my lady to healthy and do not care if other men stare at her or pay attention to her. I know "we" are thogether whoever my lady might be.

    I take that as a compliment. But I do like my lady to have what I term as "jiggleocity". It is sexy. I like wiatching her butt jiggle a little under the skirt.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    i've read several times that women are their own worst critics. men, for some reason, don't see all of the "imperfections" we see and if they do, they don't mind it. where we see flab, they see something to hold on to. my husband likes a little "meat", too, but it's not to say he doesn't appreciate me when i'm leaner or with a six pack - which will never happen. lol
  • kimphillips36
    kimphillips36 Posts: 125
  • kimphillips36
    kimphillips36 Posts: 125
    I think my husband is jealous of the weight I've lost and the attention I get from guys...both married and single! I will never get too skinny, but I will be healthy and fit (whether he likes it or not)....because I'm more confident and happier with my self!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Doesn't matter one way or the other. Women lose weight, dress, apply make up, impress the other women, not their men.

    I disagree...I keep my hair blonde..instead of red because my husband loves it blond. I also dress in clothes he finds attractive except when I where capris...he hates those..but they are sooo comfy LOL

    I disagree with me, too. I think you're right. I am confusing "single women going out" with "married women".
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    My husband, has said "you can lose all the weight you want, but baby don't lose that booty." ,I think he is hoping I lose weight, but no big deal if I don't he loves me either way.