C'mon.. be honest. Who's the person you most want to be envi

I have a colleague that I work very closely with. She copies what I do and what I wear and people often confuse us for this reason. The problem is that she's really abrasive personality-wise and I'm looking forward to looking better than her. I know that's really superficial and certainly not very nice, but it's part of my motivation on those days when I can't find it anywhere else. Then, since I'm being completely honest, I have an old friend in NY who has a bit of any attitude of superiority. I'm going to see her next month and as much as I like her, I wouldn't mind adjusting that attitude of hers just a tad. Maybe these negative motivations of mine are what's preventing me from losing weight faster. Am I alone? Is this a girl thing?


  • krisvtx8777
    krisvtx8777 Posts: 163
    I completely understand those feelings... but I also feel that these feelings actually are the ones that prevent me from doing what I want. Competition does not work for me. I actually end up with that whole self sabotage feeling and then have a negative attitude because I believe those are feelings of fear!
    I find, when I'm doing it for ME and doing what makes me feel good no matter what other feelings I have...it's when I work the hardest to beat "myself" and prove things to myself. I work so much harder when I know I'm doing what's right for me. No matter what anyone else is doing or saying.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I hear ya delilah! I go to Curves and there's 2 women there that complain because some of us talk while working out. One of them actually asked the owner to make us stop because our talking was stopping her from losing weight. Every time she's there I can't help myself and just keep talking about how well I am doing and losing, just to pluck her last nerve like she plucks mine! Its not nice, I know, and even a bit mean, but some days I just can't help myself. I'm trying to be a bigger person while I'm getting smaller but some people present a real challenge :)