Suggestions needed.....

crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I've done pretty well on my own I've lost a total of 171lbs in this journey I'm on, but here in the last two months......I've been stuck. Any suggestions on kicking things back in gear? What I do know is....I don't want to do the whole "shake" diet, and I can't afford anything special, my cubbards don't have the greatest options but it is what I can afford I just eat less of it and make sure I count my calories etc.

So any suggestions??? I would be grateful!


  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Have you tried limiting your dairy and grains?

    I know you said you didn't want to to the shake thing, but if you figure how much you spend on ingredients it isn't expensive for a meal. My favorite that I make is with 1 frozen banana, 1 cup vanilla almond milk (unsweetened) and 1 scoop of protein powder. There are lots of variations you can make, what ever is on sale at the grocery store is what ends up in my smoothie.

    Are you exercising? You may want to change things up a little if you are. I have found some fun workouts on youtube. Spark people on youtube is my favorite (for now).
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I've been stuck, too. This week I'm going to zig-zag my calories. Check out AggieCass09's blog for details. Also, you can go to and set up your own plan very easily. It basically takes your total calories for the week, and switches it up so you have some low, medium and high calorie days. It's supposed to confuse your metabolism to jump start it again. I'm really hoping this gets me going again! Good luck, too!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have been stuck for six weeks and I think (fingers crossed) that I am finally losing again. I upped my calories by 200 and I am closer to the "losing 0.5 pound/week" instead of having MFP set to lose 1 pound/week. That seemed to do the trick for me. I am down to the last 12 or 13 pounds though, which I hear is when the losses start slowing down considerably.
  • First of all, Congratulations on your amazing weight loss. It takes someone dedicated and of strong mind to accomplish what you have. Keep it up.

    As far as breaking the plateau, have you incorporated any weight lifting into your routine. Muscle is what burns the calories and that might kickstart your metabolism again. Try a 5-10 minute warm up cardio and do at least 30 minutes of weight lifting (high reps, low weight), followed by 30 minutes of cardio (alternate high intensity with low intensity).

    As far as your diet, try to limit carbs for a week or two and slowly reintroduce only whole grains. That, in combination with your workout, should get you going again. :)
  • jessicaj_824
    jessicaj_824 Posts: 114 Member
    I suggest you monitor your sodium and sugar intake. You can replace the fiber category with sugar. A good goal to stay under is 25 gr for sugarand 1500 for sodium (2500 is the FDA maximum and you are going way over that). It's hard but putting in the effort will at least keep you in a better zone. I saw one day in your diary where the sodium was over 10k. My guess is that the sugar is real high too based on the amount of take-out/prepakaged foods I see. When I did these changes I had the added bonus of having improved digestion as well.

    Good Luck!!! You have done so great already! You should be proud of yourself.
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    Have you tried limiting your dairy and grains?

    I know you said you didn't want to to the shake thing, but if you figure how much you spend on ingredients it isn't expensive for a meal. My favorite that I make is with 1 frozen banana, 1 cup vanilla almond milk (unsweetened) and 1 scoop of protein powder. There are lots of variations you can make, what ever is on sale at the grocery store is what ends up in my smoothie.

    Are you exercising? You may want to change things up a little if you are. I have found some fun workouts on youtube. Spark people on youtube is my favorite (for now).

    **** I like my protein shakes... I should have been more clear, I just don't want to do the whole shakology that alot of people seems to be using. sorry bout that. my favorite drink is my soy protein powder, water, 1/2 bannana mushed and just a little nutella
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    I suggest you monitor your sodium and sugar intake. You can replace the fiber category with sugar. A good goal to stay under is 25 gr for sugarand 1500 for sodium (2500 is the FDA maximum and you are going way over that). It's hard but putting in the effort will at least keep you in a better zone. I saw one day in your diary where the sodium was over 10k. My guess is that the sugar is real high too based on the amount of take-out/prepakaged foods I see. When I did these changes I had the added bonus of having improved digestion as well.

    Good Luck!!! You have done so great already! You should be proud of yourself.

    *** thanks.... how did u change, or rather what did you get instead of...... can you give me some examples?
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    First of all, Congratulations on your amazing weight loss. It takes someone dedicated and of strong mind to accomplish what you have. Keep it up.

    As far as breaking the plateau, have you incorporated any weight lifting into your routine. Muscle is what burns the calories and that might kickstart your metabolism again. Try a 5-10 minute warm up cardio and do at least 30 minutes of weight lifting (high reps, low weight), followed by 30 minutes of cardio (alternate high intensity with low intensity).

    As far as your diet, try to limit carbs for a week or two and slowly reintroduce only whole grains. That, in combination with your workout, should get you going again. :)

    **** thanks, about 2 months ago i started weight training with a trainer so that i get practice with proper form etc., and yes i already see a difference in muscles etc., (which is SOO COOL!) lol, sorry. limiting my carbs is a great idea, i try to be aware of that, but i haven't really actually done it.
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    I have been stuck for six weeks and I think (fingers crossed) that I am finally losing again. I upped my calories by 200 and I am closer to the "losing 0.5 pound/week" instead of having MFP set to lose 1 pound/week. That seemed to do the trick for me. I am down to the last 12 or 13 pounds though, which I hear is when the losses start slowing down considerably.

    *** congrats on getting within your last pounds!!! i did try and up my calories per a suggestion at the gym, and i gained 7lbs so after that i cut my calories back down.
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    thanks everyone.... i really am getting help out of these suggestions so please keep them coming :)
  • crystalroy
    crystalroy Posts: 84 Member
    I've been stuck, too. This week I'm going to zig-zag my calories. Check out AggieCass09's blog for details. Also, you can go to and set up your own plan very easily. It basically takes your total calories for the week, and switches it up so you have some low, medium and high calorie days. It's supposed to confuse your metabolism to jump start it again. I'm really hoping this gets me going again! Good luck, too!

    **** thanks i'm going there now :)
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    What type of exercises are you doing? Whatever you are doing change it up! If you are doing all cardio try adding weight training. If you workout for 30 mins everyday try one day at 30 mins then the next at 40 mins.

    Next thing you should look at is your food intake verse your cals burned, that difference should range between 500 - 1000 cals per day. For example, if you are burning 2500 cals then you should be eating 1500 - 2000 cals. I do not suggest going on some strict diet or cutting carbs anything. I say eat what you like but do it in moderation.

    Shock your body! Good luck and hope you find what works for you. :-)
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