One too many pairs of jeans--that don't fit.

Hi everyone!

I have one to many pairs of jeans and shorts that's just don't fit. So I have to lose the weight. I started college in 2004 at about 130 lbs--and was even down to 114 after a tough (depressed) first semester. Now, in 2011 I have slowly and steadily climbed tp 168. I need my clothes to fit again. If nothing else, I just want to be back to a size 6-8, like I should be.

I've been using the iPhone app off and on-- I know that eat much better when I diary.

Please add me and keep me going--I know I am very quick to blow off excercising--so I need some accountability!



  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    Wow, can I relate! My pile of "used-to-wear" by far outweighs the few that I rotate! Your college experience resonated with me so much; I, too, went through a difficult first year of college and took it out on the scale. I lost way too much and have been on an up and down journey (of about 25 pounds) since 2004. I'll keep you accountable and reminded!
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I have some pants that don't fit me anymore. Would love to be able to get in them again instead of spending more money on clothing.