Struggling today :(

misspopsicle Posts: 12
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
How can I take my mind off food?? I just want to eat loads of bread etc grrr. Stuck in the house with a poorly little boy s can't really get out. Any suggestions?


  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    Can you get outside or at least let in lots of sunlight? That often helps pep me up, wanting to feel more active. The more active you can become, then less you will focus on your cravings. Also, if there are some psycological ties to your eating, being able to identify them and "own" the problem will help you begin to overcome it!

    Good luck! Chin up!!! :)
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    Can you get outside or at least let in lots of sunlight? That often helps pep me up, wanting to feel more active. The more active you can become, then less you will focus on your cravings. Also, if there are some psycological ties to your eating, being able to identify them and "own" the problem will help you begin to overcome it!

    Good luck! Chin up!!! :)
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Not that I'm encouraging caffeine intake but personally when I'm craving foods when I know I'm not hungry I pour a nice cup of coffee or few.....takes my mind off of food....satisfying for me.
  • burnguru25
    burnguru25 Posts: 37
    I used to have the same issue, I thought about food on a constant basis. That is what led me up to the 242 pound max weight I was at before I began MFP. What helped me the most was the absolute true desire to lose the weight. Once I focused my mind, the rest followed. I do not have that problem now, but it does take a measure of committment and follow through that has to be accepted by your inner self. If you truly want to and put your mind to it, you can get through this.

    Also, I find that adding more activity and keeping my mind on the goal off sets the appetite and cravings..

    Good luck!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Sorry to hear you have sick little ones, that's never fun. Drink some water, a lot of cravings are really just your body being dehydrated. Secondly, turn on some music and dance around the house or walk, clean up go up and down the stairs several times. Get your body moving and get your mind off the bread.
  • kmp327
    kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
    I totally feel you - I'm such a food addict. Right now I'm reading a book called Food: The Good Girl's Drug. It talks about food addiction, binge eating disorders and all that and leads you through recovery. I can't attest to its effectiveness because I'm not done, but I'm about 1/4 of the way through and the exercises have really made me start to think about why I obsess over food. I would recommend reading it or something that will make you think about the reason why you can't stop thinking about bread (for me it's chocolate, and cheese!).
  • lyssa2209
    lyssa2209 Posts: 2
    Do something to refocus your mind. I have a bit of a binge eating problem myself. I have learned that if I do something else, like read or exercise, when I feel like I want to eat, it helps take my mind off the food. Also, see your desire to be who you want to be. Remember one thing. People will see that piece of bread show on you even though you may have eaten it in a closet. Try your best to occupy yourself and try to get outside even for a short walk and get some sunshine in. It helps fight the blues!
  • rowanctg
    rowanctg Posts: 7
    I found upping my protein a bit does away with the desire to eat more -- and also stops me from thinking about having "just a little snack" I switched over to having a bit of cheese or some nuts for snacks, instead of anything sweet or made from flour. It really helps!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Load up on lots of protein and fiber that will keep you full. Opt for fiber one cereal w/ non-fat yogurt, mixed nuts (portion controlled), boiled egg/egg white omelette, lean meats if you eat meat. Starchy carbs and sugary snacks make you more hungry. Of course with the increase in protein and fiber drink more water.
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    My best advice is to stay busy! Read your favorite book, go outside and get some vitamin D (with sunscreen of course), and as a post said above, getting some exercise helps too.

    Also, take a look at your food diary and see what you're eating everyday. Along with exercise, eat foods such as complex carbs, lean protein, unprocessed foods, and fruits/veggies. These types of foods will keep you full longer.

    Trust me, I've been in this weight loss game for many years so I can completely relate to you when you say all you think about is food.'s all about consistency, and patience. Changing your lifestyle and filling it with natural filling foods will eventually change the way you think about food. I truly think that, well at least how I was and still am, I'm a recovering food addict. So you have to change the way you view food. Don't, "live to eat, eat to LIVE!"

    It's not easy but you can do it!

    God bless:)
  • Psyb3r
    Psyb3r Posts: 176 Member
    I've found that if I eat more protein during the day it helps, also I read somewhere that if you chew gum (mint) or brush your teeth, it discourages you from wanting to eat. You wouldn't want to eat something if you just cleaned your mouth. :-) Keep with it and don't get discouraged!
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    How can I take my mind off food?? I just want to eat loads of bread etc grrr. Stuck in the house with a poorly little boy s can't really get out. Any suggestions?
    The suggestions provided are fantastic! I use a combo of several (protein, water, coffee, etc.) Hugs out to you and your little one, hope they feel better soon!!!
    The other thing I do is (especially at home in the evening) to chat with other MFP friends. It is amazing how keeping your hands busy, especially talking with others going through what you are going through can make SUCH a difference!!!
    Lastly - I'll also use a little exercise (in place cardio, walking, etc. ) I'm always less hungry when I'm "hot" so working out a little helps (and you can't beat the additional calorie burn right?) LOL

    Hope it helps!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Drink lots of water today. And dont completely deny yourself of what you are craving... just limit it. Hope this is helpful. :)
  • Thanks all, some fab suggestions in there! I'm going to keep myself on the go and fingers crossed, it won't be too long til dinner time! I'm really glad I haven't given in and eaten loads as I know I'd be really disappointed with myself. I do just need to readjust and learn not to focus on food so much. Off to run up and down the stairs for a bit lol! Thanks guys!
  • mel4395
    mel4395 Posts: 18
    if you have ankle weights, you can put them on while you do your stairs, even just wear them around the house while cleaning. good for toning.
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Hang in there! Everyone gave you great ideas. Chug some water (one of my favorites) I always feel too full to eat afterwards. I'm stuck working from home, with an injured shoulder/neck/arm and we're on what must be day 100 of rain. I definitely can relate and feel for you!
  • Fab idea Mel, I've got some lying around somewhere! It's almost dinner time now phew, I can stave off the hunger pangs for a while longer ;). You've all been great help though. Ahh our weather is similar today lunamare, gale force winds and rain, not ideal! Hope you recover from your injury soon!
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