Laila Ali's Get Fit Challenge

Hi All!!!

I'm starting Laila Ali's Get Fit Challenge today (8 weeks). I am 40 and living in Los Angeles. Maybe we can keep one another motivated. Working out isn't my issue. It's the food. Not over indulgence just not planned meals. Good luck on your journey!!!



  • Nytangia
    Nytangia Posts: 1
    I also started the challenege today. I live in NYC. Hardest part about today was trying to consume enough calories....tough!!!
  • honeymer
    honeymer Posts: 1
    Hi ladies! I started today and I am trying very hard t stay within my limits........its hard but nothing that I can't do. I also need to step up my exercise plan
  • sonchunia
    sonchunia Posts: 1
    I'm looking forward to this challenge. I hope we can all motivate each other and keep each other on track. This app is a great tool.

    My fitness plan is 30 mins of cardio on Monday with abs and back weight lifting. Tuesday 60-90 mins of cardio (broken up in two parts). And alternating these every other day.

    Good luck ladies.
  • Jeep429
    Jeep429 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi All!!!

    I'm starting Laila Ali's Get Fit Challenge today (8 weeks). I am 40 and living in Los Angeles. Maybe we can keep one another motivated. Working out isn't my issue. It's the food. Not over indulgence just not planned meals. Good luck on your journey!!!


    Hey Triana!

    Is it too late to start the challenge? I can't find a sign-up for it anywhere! Please let me know any info you have! Thanks!!! :)
  • derail65
    all right ladies, the challenge is over the winners will soon be announced and i am ready for the next challenge. i am still losing from this one. i madse a drastic lifestyle change with gastric bypass surgery. I had tried every possible diet program just short of starving myself... o wait , i tried that too, not a good idea. then i made the decision with my doctors who agreed that i needed this surgery to extend my life out a few more years. with the medication i was given for my back , leggs and pulminary issues i was gaining weight faster then i could lose it. therefor i would have peaked at over 500lbs within a year and that was not acceptable. so i had the surgery just as i started the gfc with you ladies and laila. iwas so happy when i started to see the weight coming off in good numbers and it is still coming off. i am eating 100% differently, i am able to walk without my walker and i have only had to pick up some vitamins and supplements in exchange for the weight coming off. so stick around and keep and eye on me as i become the incredible shrinking dad. thanks to all of you for your support and prayers. i wanna continue to loose until i reach my goal of 230 lbs. i was weighed in last tuesday at 334.9 lbs so i can imagine i am down passed the 325lbs mark. i will keep everyone posted on my goal successes. thaks again and godbless to you all including you laila.