

  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    My Uncle Charlie is AWESOME. I know this is about our goals, but I find him inspiring...I found a e-mail about him in my in-box this morning. (He lives in Ohio, and we aren't a close extended family on my dad's side. My dad wasn't into family-not even his children.)

    He is 59 years young, and partcipated in The Lake Geneva Triathlon. He took first place in his age group (55-59). It was a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. His time was 5:53.00 for a total of 70.3 miles!

    This has inspired me to find a fitness challenge for me to train for. It won't be on that level, but I do need some type of measurable goal that had nothing to do with weight or measurements, but with fitness and/or strength.

    Gameset...maybe some type of fitness goal like an "event" specific to our locations or maybe not even the event but the training for the event. Afterall, it is the journey not the end that changes a person.

    Happy Weekend!
    Gameset-sorry, maybe that wasn't appropiate in light of the impending invasion of 12 8 yr olds!:laugh:
    I will be all by myself-yes:bigsmile: ! No man to worry about:bigsmile: ! or cook for or clean up after or anything:bigsmile: ! Yes:bigsmile: ! I am going to the cinema and watch a the obligatory chickflick and an independent film. Sat and Sun:bigsmile:
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    :bigsmile: The bf just I have 1 day and 1/2 of a day to do whatever I like! I think I will spend the better part of the day at Barnes and Noble then the Mall then the gym.

    I have been thinking a lot about what it means to have a healthy diet. Is it more than just eating plenty of fiber and drinking plenty of water? I have been surging the net a lot lately trying to figure out what a healthy diet (in terms of what we eat consistently as opposed to losing weight kinda diet), and have recently added Flaxseed (Gosh :huh: that stuff is expensive!) and Oatmeal. But I have been seeing a lot of the term "clean eating", I have seen it a few times on MFP too. Do any of you know what clean eating is? It isn't a raw food diet or vegan, I hope. So far what I understand is clean eating is cutting out processed foods...anyway my goal at the Barnes and Noble is to check out clean eating books.

    I did some googling about "events" in San Jose-it seems we have the Rock and Roll Half Marathon coming up in a few weeks. Now, I am not going to running in that! It IS way too late to train for it; however, it did give some links to running clubs. One has organized training that one pays for, and the next "class" begins in April, and another is called the Red Divas. Which seems to be an organization of more mature women. San Jose has 2 Triathlon clubs. (another thing I plan to do this weekend-check out these clubs)

    So I may not get to the movies afterall.

    Gameset-still haven't re-"tested" the HRM, but I plan to at some point this weekend. Gotta get moving!:laugh: I made a pun:laugh:Gotta get moving...!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    okay- i survived the onslaught of 12 8 year olds, and there was NO RAIN!!!!!! Man, its exhausting keeping up wit them- At least i was too busy to tuck into the cake!!! I was in bed by 9:15!!

    Okay, 1 down, 1 to go- the onslaught of 10 year olds is Friday- then i am done for another year!! ANd next year, remind me to send them to putt putt or something.

    What did you find out about clean eating? and how did the HRM retest go?
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I tested the HRM when I woke up Sunday morning. I had thought that was best since it was the most likely time all day that I would be relaxed. My measured heart rate went down slightly. I gained about 20 calories on the read out that evening at the gym. The Ellipitcal is is still around 100 calories off for a 30 minute workout ( the difference increases as the time increases). Good news is the Stairmaster was only 30 calories or so off!

    I had changed my cardio routine the last couple of weeks to include the Stairmaster more. Now, I do 30 minues Ellipitcal and 30 minutes Stairmaster. The Stairmaster is still challenging for me! I like a challenge:angry:

    In regards to "clean eating," it seems to be a term coined by the cheerleader of Clean Eating-Toscra Reno. A fitness competitor in her 40s who looks 20 years younger. She has written several books that are quite bright and glossy-OTT-too much for me to take it real serious. Barnes and Noble had quite a selection on speciality "diets" and her books were the only ones labeled "clean eating." Maybe this is what fitness competitors and body builders call their diets?

    Other diets were Vegetarian, Vegan and Raw Food diet. Neither of which sounds appealing to me! :laugh: I already eat enough salad and veggies, thank you. I picked up a book titled "Whole Foods." It seemed more in line with what I was reading about in regards to nutrition on the web. it is an introduction/cookbook on what it means to eat whole foods. From what I gleaned, whole foods are just natural, non-processed foods. Lots of grains, soy, and the occasional meat. It has plenty of gluten free recipes, and tips on how to make other recipes gluten free.

    Along with that book, I picked up Secrets of a Former Fat Girl. It is quite funny. The author writes about her journey to empowerment through losing 70 lbs. She has kept it off for 20 years.

    Gameset-glad to know you survived the weekend! And now going into another kid party....:noway:
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I know I've been MIA.......trying to get positive's just not me to feel so unmotivated, about everything. :frown: Why is it that everything always happens all at once?! :grumble:

    Then I realized, just a few hours ago, that today is my weigh-in. Normally, a month ago "normally", I would weigh myself straight-away in the morning, after the bathroom. But, I didn't realize that today was "the day" until after lunch........I'm actually UP 2 pounds! :sad: :sad: :sad: There's no way I'm bustin' out the tape measure, either. :cry: morning will come and hopefully I'll be redeemed.

    Kinda funny(trying to find the humor here) because I just posted an article on stress and weight gain.......SO TRUE! I do need to get outta my funk! ~Thanks for the support guys :smile:

    ....Now, about that new goal. I keep falling off the push-up challenge, anybody interested in that? Gameset, have you been keeping up with it? I thought you started it... Or, maybe no alcohol for two weeks(I love my wine, this would be a true challenge for me!) or maybe a month :noway: I'm not really interested in joining a group in my area because we're moving soon (part of my stress). But I do like the idea of training for something, a biking or walking marathon of sorts. I've never done anything like that, so I would definetely need some inspiration from my MFP friends! I'm open for more suggestions! :flowerforyou:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    yeah, i keep saying i am going to do the push up challenge- and then never start!! SO yes, i would be open to doing that-

    I must say, i was not real keen on signing up for an event thing- but maybe that is waht i need- i am not a biker or a runner- (i woulkd not even run from a burning building) but what's to say i can't walk a race??

    Oh soup, you were doing so well with your inches- there must be an upside to this- surely your clothes fitr loser? I know i can get on my scale 7 times and get 5 different readings- i take the one i get most often!!!

    I would like to have more accountability- so if i'm not in here, someone checks in on me- and report our food choices- (generalized) and exercise etc.

    Anyway- on that note- i have done nothing for days (eercise)- getting ready for one party or another- then today i did NOTHING- it's my Birthday- so i slept in, played with my puppies, then we went to the cheesecake factory for dinner- i did not really enjoy it enough to eat much of any of it- i am trying to teach myself that i don't have to eat it just cos its there- i leaft half (or more) of my food on my plate, had a little of my hubby's, and ate less than half of my cheesecake- AND- left the leftovers there!!!! Hooray for small steps!!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: WOOHOO! Gonna party like it's your birthday! :bigsmile:
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    okay, easy there tiger!!!

    Okay, two bdays down- 1 to go- every time i turn around, there are more of these little ten year old stinkers coming to the bday party- we have 12 already, with who knows how many still to respond- i thought there was supposed to be a 30% cancellation!!! Thank godness i resisted the urge to invite the football team!!! (I know its actually my fault- he has a realy hard time making friends, so i told him to invite anyone he wanted- thinking not many of them would make it...) It is going to be a survivor party- sooo much fun. i am going to have the obligatory food challenge- maggots (orzo) dog biscuits (cookies in a dog biscuit box) worms- really thinly sliced steak, and all that fun stuff. No wonderthey are all coming- what was i thinking????????

    Anyway, i am going to shred now, then go for a walk with my neighbor- then off to get party supplies!

    have a good day everyone!!
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    WOW: I missed the party!:laugh:

    I know this will sound a bit evil, but :devil: I am so glad that I am not the only one that has fallen off the wagon! I have been stuck in neutral since last Friday! The last day I exercised was Sunday. The last day I didn't go over my calories by 1,000-1,500 was Saturday! 4 day! That is enough to gain weight! I have my fingers crossed that my weight has increased by 1lb only, and I am still is TOM, so I have weighing in at 152-this is typicla water rentention amount for me.

    Gameset: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Good job with Cheesecake Factory! You are so brave-I have only been there twice. Frankly, the place scares me so much so that always end up ordering a starter and never the cheesecake. I just can't relax enough to order dessert. I hate myself for it. I am glad you were able to enjoy you dinner.

    Soup: Moving IS stressful, but think of all the extra activity you will have packing and moving is too bad that moving can't be just moving! When we moved to San Jose, I thought I would KILL Carlos. And I loved him. My sister and I had a running joke: how many PhDs does it take to pack a U-Haul?:laugh: He can graduate from Caltech, but can't pack or organize or manage his time. Go Figure.

    As for the weight, give it a few more days...maybe your salt intake is a little higher than usual. And the cloths test! Don't give up, yet!

    Hopefully, we will all banish the funk! I like signing up for a challege. We don't all need the same one for it to work. Although, the push-up challenge sounds nice. Real push-ups, not modified! I was able to do a Real Push-up once...(wistful)
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    I am going to train for a Half Marathon. :laugh: sometime Spring 2009. My twin and I have been talking about this for years. I put the call out to my sister Time to step it up. I need a challenge. I get paid at the end of the month, so I will buy shoes then. In the meantime, I am researching how best to get started and avoid injuries. I like my hips (even if they are "child bearing hips" ) and I like my knees (even if they aren't knobby), and I want them to be in good working order until God pulls me up to Heaven!

    Happy Hump Day!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Okay, so I was reading gameset's entry on Tuesday to my SO (cuz I was laughing at the burning building part :laugh: )---

    "I must say, i was not real keen on signing up for an event thing- but maybe that is waht i need- i am not a biker or a runner- (i woulkd not even run from a burning building) but what's to say i can't walk a race??"

    and not a second later on comes a commercial for an annual marathon! :noway: Seriously, no joke! :laugh: We just looked at each other and said, "Guess we're doing a marathon!" :laugh: Notice I said WE, Yep, that's right- SUCKER!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He's cool with it.....I'm just trying to find a walk/run marathon somewhere around 2-3 months from now....and then the moving situation comes up.....Where should we plan on being? Without TMI, the house we're currently renting just went up for sale. Our landlord told us it'd be on the market, but we never got a date as to when. Woke up Monday morning to see a For Sale sign in the front yard :huh: :noway: I won't get legal on you guys, but I know he won't be infringing upon our rights or privacy any time soon. Not to mention, my SO's career does have us moving anyway, there's just too many variables as to where we might be. We just thought since our 1 year lease was up last month and he agreed to go month-to-month, we wouldn't have to worry. That was dumb. :ohwell:

    Back to do you guys want to start training? I've never done anything like this, so i will need your support.:bigsmile:
  • natalie424
    Hey guys! Sorry I've been missing, but I have been without electricity since Sunday at 3 p.m. We had 75 mph wind gusts and we lost power and it has just come on again!

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    :bigsmile: HOORAY!:bigsmile:
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I haven't been exercising... and it's been difficult to eat well, but I've tried very hard! I have a ton of laundry and cleaning to catch up on. I probably won't check in again until the weekend!

    I hope all of you are doing well!
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Very weird:huh: ...I had posted earlier about training to run a Half Marathon. Well, I picked-up the mail, and I have a mailing from! It seems to be a charity program that benefits The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. From what I understand, you can train for half marathon, marathon or triathalon while raising charitable funds. According to their flier, they are at leas 3 events scheduled in the Bay Area early 2009. I am going to attend the infomational meeting in San Jose on October 15th. (soonest listed) I am still going to train begining October as planned.

    Soup: My gosh! Your situation sounds intense...I can see how you must be under unbelievable amounts of stress! Hang in there! And about the Marathon...ohhh that is so erie! I was on the Runner's World website this afternoon, and I found a guide for begininers,7119,s6-380-0-0-0,00.html?cm_re=HP-_-Homepage Channel-_-Channel.
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    :smile: hi everyone- glad to have you back, Natalie- yikes no power=no fun. Then to have to catch up- thta's even worse.

    Soup- that surely was a sign from above- marathon indeed. I don't know i am up for all that- i will have to look around and see whats up here.

    :heart: - look at you- already moving forward with this. I will look into it once all the ten year olds ahve left the building...

    Have a good weekend everyone, i will check in on Monday- lets give our new improved challenge some more thought....

  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm checking on walk/run marathons and the training to go with it. I've gotten the fliers in the mail from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society before I moved here. I'll have to check out their website. Oh, I checked runner's world and there's actually one in my small, po-dunk town - but it's a 5k run race the beginning of October.....bummer, too soon for me! :ohwell: Still looking though!

    Well, my SO's parents are coming to visit for the weekend. They'll be here tonight til Sunday.....I love them, so much fun! SO and his dad are gonna play golf (I really want to go too, but I'll let them bond, I guess!) on Sat. morn while me and my future mother-in-law go get massages! :bigsmile: Fair trade, right?!:huh: :bigsmile: Even though we're having company, doesn't mean I will stray. Because of the massage, no alcohol today or Sat. Which also means I'll be drinking waaaay more water than my normal gallon(seriously, i drink tons of water). Well, gonna get started on a mini-cleaning spree now!

    Happy Friday! :drinker: <
    that's my water!
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    happy Monday everyone- i trust it was a good weekend- it has taken me till now to recover my hearing and sanity from15 very loud ten year old boys.
    okay my plan fro this week is to get moving again- i have been slacking off some, also to eat my fruits and vegies and to record it all. I also will look into an event that i want to train for.

    lets har from y'all!!
  • natalie424
    15 ten year olds???? You need to pamper yourself after that!

    My goal this week is to get back on track... With the power outage last week, I didn't log my food, nor did I exercise much at all...

    This week's goals...
    Exercise 5x .... walking, dvds, pilates, or stationary bike
    Log meals daily
    Keep meals healthy... too much eating out last week since I couldn't cook at home
    Drink water, water, and more water
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    Helloooo.. anybody out there....

    Been walking this week, and I am soooo really took it out of me. That and arguing with my ten year old about his social studies project.... aaaaaarghhhh boys have cooties. i know this now for a fact.

    its done now- TG>
  • gameset
    gameset Posts: 100 Member
    look for m new post in fitness and exercise- BOO Blast
    hope to see you there!!:laugh:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

