What shall I Do With My Remaining Calories?


So I've just finished eating my dinner and still have 800 calories left. I'm not particularly hungry but, my stomach is still a little grumbly. It's just so hot so my appetite is kind of shot.

Is it bad to only eat, say, 200 more calories and leave the remaining 600 alone or is that already a bad way to start off?

My Food Diary is available for viewing if you'd like to take a peek.

Thank you!


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I would eat something because it seems like your calories for the day are extremely low.

    I saw you don't have your other days in there, so I'm just guessing that you normally eat like this. If you do, my suggestion to you is to eat more at each meal, so you're not sitting at night realizing your calorie count is very low. If this was my food diary, I would have added a piece of fruit to breakfast and a slice of wheat toast, something to your lunch like a turkey sandwich, and some other side with your dinner, whether it be a baked potato or broccoli. Just my suggestion. I find it's easier to eat more throughout the day so you're not stuck at night with 800 calories left.

    Sorry if this doesn't help but good luck!
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I would suggest that you eat whatever you feel comfortable with today, and tomorrow reduce your caffeine as it may be subduing your hunger.
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    How about eating some nuts, or some kind of protein.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I would suggest eating more at meal so you do not have hundreds of calories left to consume at night. 800 a day, if this happens everyday, is not healthy at all. EAT!!!
  • Quieas
    Quieas Posts: 23
    Thank you all for your responses!

    The reason my other days aren't filled out is because I only started yesterday. :smile:

    Definitely right about the coffee! I love drinking coffee so that will be something I'll need to work on.

    Also, fruits and nuts are on my list to be bought next time I can run to the store. We sorta went fruit crazy at the weekend and ate it all. Haha

    If anyone happens to still read this, can you suggest me the best kind of nuts? I have an allergic reaction to walnuts, unfortunately, as well as water nuts (sever hay fever) but otherwise, I can eat just about any kind.