Idiot Encounter!

TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I've read many "idiot encounters" (whether it be friends, family or strangers) on here, but had never yet encountered one... it finally happened to me this weekend.

I'm about 1/2 way done with the couch to 10k program. One of my neighbors asked me how my running was going. So I started telling her about it. A mutual friend was with her. I then made the mistake of mentioning that I'm also watching what I'm eating - you know, tracking calories and just trying to eat and be healthy. All this mutual friend could say was..

"17 day diet" "17 day diet" "17 day diet."

Now, that may work for some people (I'm not anti diet... but I am anti diet FOR ME). To me, it's just another diet (the next "new" thing... the "easy" way - that ends up working for very few people in the LONG term. Something restrictive I'll end up falling off of (and never going back).

Personally, I prefer being able to eat WHATEVER I want, WHENEVER I want - as long as I measure and log it.

THIS is something I can do long term. No, I won't lose 30 lbs this month... but that just means I'll keep it off.

This little encounter just re-confirmed my stellar belief that you can't argue with ignorance. So, I just shut my mouth and let her ramble on about how much weight one of her co-workers had lost on this fabulous new diet.

It's so true - people don't want to hear exercise and eating right is what helps you lose weight. They want to believe there's a magic pill (diet, etc.). Whatever! *eye roll*


  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    My best friend is like that. She always asks me how I'm losing weight and when I try telling her exercise, healthy foods, and portion control she just rambles on and on about some diet. Her favorite to talk about is the atkins, Ive given up on talking about it lol. She wants to lose weight too but doesn't want to do the work
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    We've all had those encounters! I wrote about my own idiot encounter today too, must be the day of Idiots! People really do have a hard time believe and accepting that losing weight and keeping it off takes time, work and dedication! Good for you for doing it the right way!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    I meet people like that everyday, very annoying I know. I actually meet 3 people this week who lost weight and when I ask them about there diet thet just said they ate what they wanted and another one is starving herself. I'm like " oh my God". When they ask me about what I do they just look at me like really?
  • gooteek
    gooteek Posts: 64
    Few people are health wise, most are otherwise.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Had to laugh - you're absolutely right, if you reveal the "secret" of your success as having cut back on the less healthy parts of your diet and and started exercising regularly people look at you as if you have two heads - especially if you're eating steak and chips at the time!

    Makes me want to tell people that I'm using cat liver extract, they should try it. :bigsmile:
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    Few people are health wise, most are otherwise.

    ^ I LOVE THIS!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I ran into an old friend this weekend who I hadn't seen in about a year face to face. She raved about how good I looked and asked what my secret was. When I told her I was watching what I ate and exercising more she gave me a look as if to say "well, that's crazy" and didn't say another word about it. I bet this gal could lose 30lbs in a month if she quit drinking all the beer she does!

    It's amazing how many people think you need a "diet" to lose weight.

    This made me laugh. My guess is she doesn't think you're crazy, she thinks you're lying!! I swear, these days everyone assumes you've either taken diet pills or had gastric bypass surgery if you've lost weight. Glad to see so many people on here doing it the old fashioned way. =)
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 507 Member
    Ha, such a true post... Everyone wants to know the 'secret'. When you say "eating healthy and exercising" they look extremely dissapointed as if to say, "Well, duh... but I want to do it the easy way..."
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    "How are you doing it?" "Healthy eating and exercise." "Oh..." and that look! :indifferent: So funny! But I will absolutely admit that look has been on my face before. I wanted the magic bullet too, but a healthy one doesn't exist, so I'm here! :happy:
  • mamijujuphat
    mamijujuphat Posts: 407 Member
    I get that a lot when people ask me what am I doing to lose weight ...I tell them "the good old fashion way...eating healthy ....counting calories ...& exercise" ....they look at me funny...
  • I've had a similar encounter but opposite. I don't believe in me losing slow and doing it the "balanced" way doesn't work for me. I chose low carb and it works for me. I did lose alot of weight and I did lose it fast and I've kept it off for over 3 years and I'm continuing to lose. Just because I don't lose slowly and I don't eat a balanced 1200 calories doesn't mean my weight loss will be any less successful.
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member

    Makes me want to tell people that I'm using cat liver extract, they should try it. :bigsmile:

    That's a good one. I'm going to use that line. :-)
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