Running HURTS!!



  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Do what feels good without worrying about what others think! I tried C25K and spent too much time watching my watch. I just go out for fun. I run, I skip, I jump up on curbs or water meters or sewer mains or anything that's a 4-6 inch jump. If I wear the wrong bra I sometimes hold my arms real close to my chest or hold my hand under my throat which helps hold the girls down. Do what's fun, not what you think you "should" do. If you want to run you'll find a way.
  • rickydeuce
    rickydeuce Posts: 80
    If you have access to a pool, you can try water running. Early this year I developed shin splints from trying to do to much to soon (which is a problem in itself). It was then that I first tried aqua jogging and it was awesome. It's a little weird at first because you never touch the "ground", but it definitely will give you the workout without any of the impact of running.
  • tiffanyquincey
    Im in the same boat as you! I use to hate running, I started c25k last week and its kinda hard but its fun. And it makes me feel great about my body. Don't start with too much you gotta build up to it.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I think C25K is too strenuous for a beginner

    I'd like to offer:

    First 8-weeks "Conditioning" plan - Walking only

    Second 8-weeks "Conditioning" Plan, all over again, but add in the Jog segments. It's just a Jog, don't race it.
    Link to "conditioning" plan ( )

    Third 8-weeks use the 5K training Plan, but you can jump in around Week #8
    ( )

    Next 10-weeks, use the 10K training plan, same website, but being around Week #4
    Scroll down, same link ( )

    Next 15-weeks, use the Half Marathon training plan, but skip the first couple weeks
    ( )

    You can be crossing the Half Marathon finishing line this time next year.

    Walk early, Walk Often.
    Jog slow. No, slower than that. Yeah, like that but really even a little slower still. Yeah, you got it !
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    it does get better. I've been working out since mid-February and my initial treadmill workouts were 3mph walks which I gradually increased the speed each week. When I started working in running, I did 1 minutes run (4.0) and 4 minutes walking. I'm to the point of being able to do cycles of 3-4 minutes running (still a nice slow 4.2) but 1-2 minutes walking on the 5 minutes cycles (and the walking is faster than originally too). the trick is simply adding a little bit more each week. I'm not using one of the training programs, but do track my workouts both here and use one of the iphone running aps (there are a bunch of them out there) that track time, speed, and distance! There are lots of aps or for any half marathon or other distance event, they often post suggested training scheduled which help. Mix it up too and do some low impact workouts in there too. several have mentioned the elliptical, or biking and strength training will also help!