Ok--every Monday people come on MFP and post about how "bad" they were over the weekend. I know people are usually off on the weekends, but I don't understand why it becomes an occasion to blow all your hard work through the week. Just me, guys, and just my opinion. But I see it every Monday and some of y'all spent all day Monday kicking yourself for blowing it over the weekend.

SOOO---in efforts to keep from becoming depressed over reading how everyone did so bad over the weekend, I want to start this thread to hear about HOW GREAT YOU DID OVER THE WEEKEND!

This is an opportunity to toot your horn! toot0vz.gif


What wonderful exercise did you do? Did you enter a race, or Triathlon, or 5K? LET'S HEAR ABOUT IT!

Did you defeat some food craving? Did you avoid temptations? Did you do great on your tracking calories? LET'S HEAR IT!

COME ON MFPers! LET'S BRAG A LITTLE! Give everyone some encouragement in the process and show that weekends are survivable! AND SHOW THAT YOU CAN HAVE FUN ON THE WEEKENDS WITHOUT BLOWING YOUR NEW LIFESTYLE!

SOOO--WHAT DID YOU DO?? I'm waiting to hear your wonderful stories of accomplishments!

I'll start--I couldn't get in any rides thanks to TS Hanna but I did some yoga!

And, I didn't go get one of those Hardee's Chili Dogs that were calling my name! And when I sent DH out for lunch yesterday and he came back with Chinese food, I only ate 1/2 pint of Egg Drop Soup of instead of the whole pint! woohoo.gif


  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Ok--every Monday people come on MFP and post about how "bad" they were over the weekend. I know people are usually off on the weekends, but I don't understand why it becomes an occasion to blow all your hard work through the week. Just me, guys, and just my opinion. But I see it every Monday and some of y'all spent all day Monday kicking yourself for blowing it over the weekend.

    SOOO---in efforts to keep from becoming depressed over reading how everyone did so bad over the weekend, I want to start this thread to hear about HOW GREAT YOU DID OVER THE WEEKEND!

    This is an opportunity to toot your horn! toot0vz.gif


    What wonderful exercise did you do? Did you enter a race, or Triathlon, or 5K? LET'S HEAR ABOUT IT!

    Did you defeat some food craving? Did you avoid temptations? Did you do great on your tracking calories? LET'S HEAR IT!

    COME ON MFPers! LET'S BRAG A LITTLE! Give everyone some encouragement in the process and show that weekends are survivable! AND SHOW THAT YOU CAN HAVE FUN ON THE WEEKENDS WITHOUT BLOWING YOUR NEW LIFESTYLE!

    SOOO--WHAT DID YOU DO?? I'm waiting to hear your wonderful stories of accomplishments!

    I'll start--I couldn't get in any rides thanks to TS Hanna but I did some yoga!

    And, I didn't go get one of those Hardee's Chili Dogs that were calling my name! And when I sent DH out for lunch yesterday and he came back with Chinese food, I only ate 1/2 pint of Egg Drop Soup of instead of the whole pint! woohoo.gif
  • Reesy
    Reesy Posts: 132 Member
    Can I get a TOOT TOOT!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Way to go Missy!!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    my weekend wahooooo was i mowed the lawn to burn the calories to be able to have the mcrib for lunch on sat. had also burned enough for fries too, but on the way there decided to have a side salad instead and eat a few of DH. they were yucky, glad i didn't waste cals on them. the mcrib was worth it. still ended the day with over 600 cals left....and i just left them.
    i normally keep going through the weekends.
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I was super proud of myself this weekend because I had a bridal shower to go to, and I ate before I went so I would not be tempted at the food table. While everyone ate, I munched on carrot sticks and snap peas. I walked away from the peanut butter pie, and honestly did not even want it! That was a new feeling for me, not even tempted by all the goodies! :happy:
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    I tired mtn biking and road for two hours on Sat and 2 on Sunday- it was scarey but great fun. I packed healthy snacks and avoided my boyfriends chips. I ate healthy dinners and didnt binge at all. Even though I was sore I woke up this morning and did weights at the gym!!! woo hoo.

    great idea! thanks....
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    WOW--saying no to Fries and Peanut Butter Pie!!

    That's worth two toots! toot0vz.giftoot0vz.gif
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I tired mtn biking and road for two hours on Sat and 2 on Sunday- it was scarey but great fun. I packed healthy snacks and avoided my boyfriends chips. I ate healthy dinners and didnt binge at all. Even though I was sore I woke up this morning and did weights at the gym!!! woo hoo.

    great idea! thanks....

    woohoo.gif Someone else jumping on a bike!! woohoonaner2gy.gif
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    I did the creeper last weekend!!! it was awesome! over 30 miles and my butt was sore but happy. I love your photos.

    Mtn biking is a little more intense but I love both. Bikes are just awesome!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I did the creeper last weekend!!! it was awesome! over 30 miles and my butt was sore but happy. I love your photos.

    Mtn biking is a little more intense but I love both. Bikes are just awesome!

    I LOVE THE CREEPER! Wearing my T-Shirt from there today in fact!
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    Toooot! Tooooot! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday I tackled a 20 mile bike ride!!! The last 3-4 I was really feeling it, but kept on! When I got home I even started pulling some weeds in the yard which led to mowing the the lawn (which wasn't planned). Then, I came inside and stretched while watching some football. What a great day! Not to mention, great quality time with my man! Woke up this mornin anticipating some kind of soreness - but nope, I feel great! :bigsmile:

    thanks for letting me brag, shore :laugh:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    WOW--saying no to Fries and Peanut Butter Pie!!

    That's worth two toots! toot0vz.giftoot0vz.gif

    No doubt! I don't think I could ever say no to peanut butter pie! Ever!!! :bigsmile:

    WTG! :drinker:
  • lnjwilliams1432
    I'll start--I couldn't get in any rides thanks to TS Hanna but I did some yoga!

    Funny you say that!! I just moved to VA and experienced my very first Tropical Storm!! I must say I was very very very nervous! But it really wasnt that bad!! I came from CO so blizzards are my storm of choice LOL!! :laugh:
  • debmac63
    debmac63 Posts: 459 Member
    I want to run a 5k race next year so I'm trying to lose weight now. My husband and I have been running outside when his schedule allows, (which is about 3x a week), for about a month and a half and yesterday I actually ran 1 1/2 miles in 16 minutes. I know that's not great but at 200+ pounds I thought it was a grood start. I also went out yesterday afternoon and rode my bike for a few miles just because it was such a nice day where we live.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well...I didn't go over calories at all this weekend! WOOOHOOO!!!! And I got up for spinning Saturday morning and took the dogs for a walk Saturday and Sunday! AND...I bought a Polar F6 HRM and LOVE IT!!!! Totally pumps me up for some more great workouts this week!!!! So...I'd say a FABULOUS weekend!!!!!!:drinker:
  • shivers
    I went to London for the weekend (I live in Ireland so it's not that much of a trip!!) :smile: and I was so good.... until.... we passed a Cinnabon... and then a Krispy Kreme... and we don't have any of these in Ireland... but at least I only had 3 little Cinnabon bites and One original glazed... It could have been a LOT worse! :laugh:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    OK - me too... My husband couldn't go a weekend without french fries (from the fryer), hash browns and mozzarella sticks (again from the fryer). I did manage to stay away from it ALL and on plan. Haven't weighed myself this AM, but know deep down it's going to be great and I feel awesome about not partaking of those old habbits. :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    2 and 1/2 hours of yard work (with the weed eater, which I despise!) = 800 calories.
    Thank goodness, since it was to work off the cheese steak I'd had at lunch.
  • calatibo
    calatibo Posts: 289 Member
    my weekend wahooo....

    ...the rugby season is back on and i get to play again!!!!

    i ditched over 1000 cals playing rugby on saturday, i love the rugby season being back again (course, it meant i was too stiff to go to the gym today, will just double up tomorrow).

    also, getting my parents fit slowly and we completed a (sore and slow) 6 mile walk along one of edinburghs many beautiful cycle routes and cooked them a very filling veggie lunch which was quite probably the second best thing i have ever made (the best being a great chorizo stew on thursday, man did i ace that), and the lunch was considerably less calories than we burned.

    course, i drank too much...the rugby season has started after all (but i counted the 3 hours of drunken dancing as some light exercise :laugh: )
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I did the creeper last weekend!!! it was awesome! over 30 miles and my butt was sore but happy. I love your photos.

    Mtn biking is a little more intense but I love both. Bikes are just awesome!

    I LOVE THE CREEPER! Wearing my T-Shirt from there today in fact!

    hmmm what's a creeper? :happy:

    Great IDEA starting this thread Shore:flowerforyou: ....certainly making me feel very positive reading how everyone's weekend went.:happy:
  • Sunibc22
    Ok, I generally gain every weekend. I always end up drinking wich then leads to bad food choices and every Monday I'm up sometimes 5lbs.

    This weekend I did an extra hard workout at the gym on both Firday and Saturday, (never use to go to the gym on the weekend), then when it came time to have a few drinks both on Friday night and Saturday I really didn't want to waste my workout so I drank in moderation and didn't eat anything I shouldn't. I weighed myself first thing this morning and not only was I not up but I was down a little!!!
    YAY ME!!!!!! :happy: