Water in take, how important is it?



  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I completely hate running to the bathroom so much. I know I am whining but i am new to this documentation of ewverything you eat and drink and im never gonna meet my goal. I honestly hate running to the bathroom. Is there any alternative? My bladder seems to be so small.... :(

    You just need to drink more on a regular basis---ur going the the bathroom so much because your new to drinking water... and ur probably going through days where u drink just a couple cups and other days your drinking 8cups... Drink 8cups a day, everyday, and youll beable to get to the point after a few days where u dont have to use the restroom as often... You need to keep it consistant though... if one day u drink a couple cups, then ur body needs more water to flush out stuff, so the next day when u drink 8cups it makes itself go pee more to get rid of toxins from the previous day... drink a consistant amount that is adequate your your body weight (8 cups is the minimum, but if ur heavier, u might need more--like me who is at 18cups minimum a day). Ive been drinking 20+cups for several days, and I dont have to use the bathroom every hour---but it took me awhile to get use to drinking water everyday; when i first started out I sure was going pee that often! And now ive even increased it and i dont have to go anymore than i was when I was consistently drinking only 10cups or 15cups.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    It's very much needed if you're consuming a lot of sodium. I think a minimum of 8 glasses is required for a healthy lifestyle. I try to get more than that and I think your bladder gets used to it after awhile.

    I don't know how accurate this site is but someone posted it on the forum. It's a water intake calculator based on weight and other factors...


    It says 20 percent of your water may come from the foods you eat and that today I should be drinking 153.2 ounces of water which equals out to roughly 19-20 cups a day. I used to get that much but I've been averaging 9-14 lately. Some people will say that's too much water but my step-dad is an RN and he has doctor friends who said it takes a lot more than that to drown yourself (for me). You might want to ask your own doctor.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yep. In fact, you should really be drinking MORE than 8 glasses. Two good guidelines I've heard is either your weight divided in half with that number being the number of ounces of water you drink or the 8 glasses plus one more glass for every 25 lbs you want to lose. Either way, water will be essential to your success. Yes, you'll go to the bathroom more often, but this is good. Toxins are being flushed from your body.
  • PNWriter
    PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
    It is crucial. I can't stress this enough. We all started off going from no water (I used to drink maybe 1 glass of liquid a day) to 8+ glasses and peeing every 5 minutes is what happens....for a while. After about 3-4 days you'll be fine! And, believe it or not, you'll actually be thirstier. Pretty soon you'll have no trouble getting those 8 glasses. I average about 10-12 per day and feel so good. My skin is healthier, I have more energy, and I've lost weight.