Crazy Eating!

Lamkinam Posts: 6 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Today mother-nature blessed me with it's gift and I could not control my eating. I usually can control myself when it comes to cravings, but today I attacked a plate of cookies like I was a mother bear trying to protect it's young. I probably ate about 3 good sized cookies. How do I control these cravings and will this one mishap effect my progress?


  • unmitigatedbadassery
    unmitigatedbadassery Posts: 653 Member
    The simplest solution I have found is to not have things like that around. If that isn't possible then willpower comes heavily into play.
  • speednut
    speednut Posts: 82
    You can have a cookie (but not 3.) Just be sure to count into your food diary. We all fall off the wagon some days. Good luck!
  • remember to fufill a craving we only need 2-3 bites before our body is satisfied. Have the one cookie and savor it. Enjoy every small bite until it is gone.Tthen throw away all the rest of its friends so you wont have anymore. If you do eat all three workout to burn off the calories you just ate. I am in the same baot as you and have not given in yet but I did burn 590 calories this morning just in case.
  • wdmom
    wdmom Posts: 24 Member
    It will slow you down for a couple of days. No big deal. In the long run, you will keep losing if that is what you want. Relax. I went crazy all weekend. I know that I can go back to having self control tomorrow and I will be able to lose weight again. You are making a lifestyle change. There are times when you will allow yourself to eat heartily - holidays, family gatherings, vacations... Life is worth living. You can enjoy treats. Look at the bigger picture. Don't just look at today. Look at this month. Look at this year. Of course if you attack cookies every day, then things will get a little dicey. The point is that indulging yourself once in a while doesn't have a large long term effect and it's healthy not to deprive yourself. If you eat healthy 90% of the time, it's ok to enjoy something less healthy occasionally. Just remember to take time to savour your indulgences.

    Don't sweat it.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Here are my best fixes:

    1) Plan a big treat to look forward to- if you know you are going to have something awesome later, I find it mitigates random cravings throughout the day.
    2) Get some big burns in - try to plan your biggest workouts around TOM - or at least consistent/moderate ones - it serves a dual purpose of earning you extra calories and you'll find will help lessen some of the TOM sypmtoms
    3) Have a little chocolate early on- Put some chocolate syrup in your coffee instead of sugar, eat some chocolate chips, have a mini candy bar! A little bit of sweet goodness, on your own terms, instead of complete lock down will help you mellow out, feel more comfortable and less stressed. Thus reducing the chance that you'll stress binge.
    4) Give in and don't look back. - I was stuck on a 3 week plateau around Christmas. Somewhere around New Years my aunt brought in these suuuuper fudgey cream cheese brownies. I ate 4. No idea how much in cals were in it, I know for sure I wasn't within my range that night (if those things were less than 300 a piece I'm a monkey's uncle). But life happens (I, btw, lost 2lbs over New Years). 1 day of cookies does not a waistline ruin. Doesn't even a day or week ruin. Settle down and have some cookies. Your body will thank you. (Cuz, duh, cookies are awesome)

    Relax, and good luck :drinker:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    remember to fufill a craving we only need 2-3 bites before our body is satisfied. Have the one cookie and savor it. Enjoy every small bite until it is gone.Tthen throw away all the rest of its friends so you wont have anymore. If you do eat all three workout to burn off the calories you just ate. I am in the same baot as you and have not given in yet but I did burn 590 calories this morning just in case.

    LOL what cravings are you craving?

    I'm just kidding- there are definitely things where this is true (Uno's Giant Reese's pb cup with ice cream, somehow NOT on that list :wink: )
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    remember to fufill a craving we only need 2-3 bites before our body is satisfied. Have the one cookie and savor it. Enjoy every small bite until it is gone.Tthen throw away all the rest of its friends so you wont have anymore. If you do eat all three workout to burn off the calories you just ate. I am in the same baot as you and have not given in yet but I did burn 590 calories this morning just in case.

    I've done this before...I'll make cupcakes or something, eat one and take the rest to work.

    Although now if I get a really bad craving for chocolate, I eat a mini Milky Way midnight. I eat all the chocolate from the outside, then eat the middle. It lasts a bit longer that way and they're only 35 calories a piece.
  • Lamkinam
    Lamkinam Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice! I'm feeling a bit better.

    Now time to get going and loose the next 22 pounds.
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