im ready to change my life

sayeo Posts: 14 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
hello everyone.
im very new to this online version of MFP but have been using the App on my phone religiously for the past five days and am obsessed lol.

well a little about me. My name is jessica and i am 21 years old. and my weight has yoyowed constantly from 90- 120kgs for as long as i can remember. 5 months ago i was 120 and now i have reached 90.04 kgs (according to my scales this morning) so i have achieved abit on my journey. But now for the hard part to get into the 80s and then the 70's and beet the 90
s once and for all. I serously cant remember the last time was down that low. so that is my goal. to reach early 70's or maybe a few kgs lower than that.

So im here for the support, the encouragement, to make friends and lastly combat the 90's curse i have. i hope to meet some of you and share in your weight loss victories and mishaps.

jess xxx


  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    Hi Jess,

    Firstly congrats on the HUGE success you have had already. You will get where you want to, you have proved you have the determination and drive by losing what you have already. Well done and good luck with getting to your goals. :flowerforyou:
  • superjae5
    superjae5 Posts: 64 Member
    If you follow MFP, you'll totally get there. You should reward yourself for each 10kg you hit, I have a lot of friends that do that for motivation. My motivation is exercising enough that ice cream can fit into the calorie count for the weekend without ruining the weight. I've been fairly successful at that, and losing a little weight. I guess think about what would motivate you and use that as the means to accomplish your goals.

    I was totally obsessed with MFP when I first started too. But then I kinda quit for like a week, but I realized, it's not how often I fall down, it's that I get back up. So I sometimes fall behind a little and flux, but I've pushed forward and I've nearly met my goal. I guess I'm telling you this, because it's a tough journey and you may have tough times, but keep pushing forward no matter what. You CAN do this!
  • sayeo
    sayeo Posts: 14 Member
    thanks for the tips guys. :) and lovely to meet the both of you. thanks for the words of widom and little tips. i had my first P.T session this morning and had a gym 6 week program written out for me. i thoroughly enjoyed it :). superjae5 you were saying about your 'calorie count for the week' do you go of the reccomended calorie intake of MFP? i am finding that my reccomended calorie intake per day of 1395 is to much and i have been going more about 1000....

    Rewards are a fantastic idea and i plan to buy all new workout gear when i hit 80... if i hit 80. Thanks for the supportive words Kiwijay some days the task seams unreachable... 24kg is amazing... :). good luck both of you on your own journeys and am looking forward to hearing about your future success.
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