Body Image

I thought this was good info to keep in mind as we embark on this journey into a new and healthy lifestyle. Enjoy...

A negative body image may be the reason why so many fail to lose weight. Change the perception of how you see yourself, help improve self-esteem and your weight loss program will be more effective.

Body image is a perception of how we see our physical self in our mind's eye. It is always subject to change depending on mood or physical experiences. The perception is learnt through experience with others and/or close interaction of social culture and the media, but more often its closely linked to the individuals self-esteem.

An improvement in body image will play an important part in anyone's weight loss program as research has shown that many dieters struggle to lose weight successfully because of a negative body image. A negative body image is developed from a distortion of the image we see in our mind to what is seen by others, many feel they are fatter than they actually are. This can cause a reduction in self-esteem and usually starts a vicious cycle of negative thoughts such as; "am I worthy of any change", or "am I even capable of positive change". These thought patterns make them feel bad about their body then feel badly about themselves and may lead them to avoid any future effort in making positive changes for fear of failure.

If you experience the following thoughts you may have a poor body image:
" I wish I looked like him / her "
" I am so fat "
" What if he / she / they don't like the way I look "
" I just can't do anything right to lose this weight "

A poor body image can lead to unhealthy behaviours:
--long term crash dieting
--constantly checking appearance in mirror
--exercising too much or too little
--weighing yourself daily
--avoid social situations

To improve body image it is necessary to change any negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive and encouraging thoughts. This may take some time and effort but it will be worth it!

To start try to:
--write a list of parts of your body you are happy with and keep these in mind by repeating them to yourself regularly.
--learn to accept your body type and appreciate what your body can do, not what you believe it can't do.
--learn to ignore what the fashion / media industry tells us how we should look - remember most pictures are modified by computer and only a very small percentage of the population have the shape of models due to genetics.
--eat sensibly, exercise regularly and safely.
--try to make workouts fun and involve others for support.
--put appearance in perspective, remember that weight and appearance is not who you are.
--try to avoid the glossy fashion / celebrity magazines which promote unrealistic body images.
--make friends with the person in the mirror and learn to like what you see, its possible that negative thoughts about self can lead to binge / comfort eating.


  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I thought this was good info to keep in mind as we embark on this journey into a new and healthy lifestyle. Enjoy...

    A negative body image may be the reason why so many fail to lose weight. Change the perception of how you see yourself, help improve self-esteem and your weight loss program will be more effective.

    Body image is a perception of how we see our physical self in our mind's eye. It is always subject to change depending on mood or physical experiences. The perception is learnt through experience with others and/or close interaction of social culture and the media, but more often its closely linked to the individuals self-esteem.

    An improvement in body image will play an important part in anyone's weight loss program as research has shown that many dieters struggle to lose weight successfully because of a negative body image. A negative body image is developed from a distortion of the image we see in our mind to what is seen by others, many feel they are fatter than they actually are. This can cause a reduction in self-esteem and usually starts a vicious cycle of negative thoughts such as; "am I worthy of any change", or "am I even capable of positive change". These thought patterns make them feel bad about their body then feel badly about themselves and may lead them to avoid any future effort in making positive changes for fear of failure.

    If you experience the following thoughts you may have a poor body image:
    " I wish I looked like him / her "
    " I am so fat "
    " What if he / she / they don't like the way I look "
    " I just can't do anything right to lose this weight "

    A poor body image can lead to unhealthy behaviours:
    --long term crash dieting
    --constantly checking appearance in mirror
    --exercising too much or too little
    --weighing yourself daily
    --avoid social situations

    To improve body image it is necessary to change any negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive and encouraging thoughts. This may take some time and effort but it will be worth it!

    To start try to:
    --write a list of parts of your body you are happy with and keep these in mind by repeating them to yourself regularly.
    --learn to accept your body type and appreciate what your body can do, not what you believe it can't do.
    --learn to ignore what the fashion / media industry tells us how we should look - remember most pictures are modified by computer and only a very small percentage of the population have the shape of models due to genetics.
    --eat sensibly, exercise regularly and safely.
    --try to make workouts fun and involve others for support.
    --put appearance in perspective, remember that weight and appearance is not who you are.
    --try to avoid the glossy fashion / celebrity magazines which promote unrealistic body images.
    --make friends with the person in the mirror and learn to like what you see, its possible that negative thoughts about self can lead to binge / comfort eating.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Thanks for the article. It really does apply and I'm going to practice self love and maybe the comfort eating will stop!!
  • FitMomof3
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    No problem guys!