For my fellow emotional eaters HELP

Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I am a very emotional eater, what do you do when that impulse is triggered? Im at work so im safe from binge eating atm but curious if there are any tricks or pointers for when that happens.


  • motherinme
    motherinme Posts: 38 Member
    I'm really the last person who should give advice because at this moment, I'm craving one of my MIL's pumpkin chocolate chip cookies which are sitting on my counter....but I've heard that drinking water, or distracting yourself helps. My husband usually tries to get something good on TV when I want to eat and most of the time it works. What about popping popcorn? Eating a low-cal snack? It's never the item that you want but it'll make you feel good about your choice :)
  • Kristy085
    Kristy085 Posts: 65 Member
    I am a big emotional eater, too! When I'm bored...watching TV...socializing! I have small dumbells and a body ball so I can do exercising while watching TV and just sitting around the house which keeps me from eating! Sometimes, I can't resist the urge!
  • katythemommy
    katythemommy Posts: 437 Member
    Honestly, I have to get away from the food or I will eat it. I cannot have binge triggering food in my house or it will be eaten! If my husband brings something home and I'm feeling a binge coming on, I'll leave the house and take a walk.
  • antijen
    antijen Posts: 112 Member
    Take up a satisfying hobby (if you don't already have one). I knit. It's tactile and occupies my hands. I do mindless projects to keep me busy while I'm watching TV (which is a time of great munchy temptation for me) and more complicated projects that also occupy my mind. It's also a great outlet for stress. When my little boy had to go to the ER for a fever he returned to a nearly finished sweater. This is just what I do, but there must be a million things out there that you could choose from.
  • Sam_power
    Sam_power Posts: 4
    I'm a big stress eater. I will eat a smaller portion or lower calorie option of what I'm craving if I really need to give in. Instead of a whole freakin chocolate bar, just two squares of it.

    And yeah, finding another outlet. At work it's hard to do. Going for a walk, if you have the time, usually helps me.
  • sheffiej34
    sheffiej34 Posts: 91
    I agree with Sam_power. When I cannot resist, I go for Wasabi Almonds, pita chips or 100 calorie snack pack. Something better for me, but still satisfying the crave. Dark chocolate is also good and good for you, in moderation. May help satisfy the sweet tooth. Work is difficult for me. I work with an awesome baker. He's always bringing in goodies.

    I have just begun to get serious with my new lifestyle. So far I have faired well. Walking is an excellent idea.
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