What strategy do you use to avoid your weak food item/s?

glendeb Posts: 129 Member
My one weakness is party food. I just sit and eat and eat it. I've always been bad, but since starting MFP and tracking food I've attended about 5 parties and each is the same.

I need some ideas for not gorging and going crazy, because I shouldn't have to deny my kids the opportunity to attend a birthday party because Mum can't control herself. :ohwell:


  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Are you shy? If not start talking or better yet ask questions and get more familiar with the other Moms. Make it a rule no eating while engagging with others.
  • Jbauer41
    Jbauer41 Posts: 55
    That's a hard one -- my favorite foods are snacky chips and dip -- okay, well all good food in general. The old tried and true method is to probably eat something healthy before hand to get you "full" and then have smaller amounts of the good food. Hard to do -- but doable.

    Good luck.
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    Chew gum. I don't have much advice. I don't deny myself I just eat really small portions so I'm not tempted to gorge myself if presented with them, as I was when I was denying myself everything.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I plan a strategy ahead of time. I take a guess as to what might be there and enter them into my diary.

    So, account for the party pies and fairy bread and birthday cake (or whatever are your favourite goodies!!). Decide how much of each you want to eat and when you've done this, walk away. I mean literally walk away or put the plate where you can't reach it.

    And how about offer to bring something snacky to the party like hommus and veges so you can distract yourself with something healthier. (You don't have to make a fuss about needing to bring something "healthy", just offer to bring some snacks to share).

    Find something to keep you busy in beween times (drink water or plain soda water or help out with an activity or offer to wash the dishes - I'm sure the party host would love this!)

    Good luck!
  • bojodo
    bojodo Posts: 5 Member
    Well I know about parties and mindless eating, myself. Here are a few ideas I've found helpful:

    Eat a healthy snack before you go, so you're not as tempted, and

    Bring something to the party to share that you know you can eat without feeling guilty. That way, you're eating party food, but it's your party food!
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I go to a lot of parties too, I bring a veggie tray with hummus and pitas, so I know there's something healthy to snack on. Other people seem to really appreciate it too. I let myself eat as many veggies as I want to keep me away from the chips.
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    I have 2 strategies for the party situation.

    1. I eat a lot of healthy food before I go so I am really full and don't snack AS much.

    2. I do not sit or stand near the food, I tend to pick at it if it is in front of me, lol

    Good luck
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Good ideas about bringing my own food. A cottage cheese dip and vege sticks would still satisfy the crunch and creamy craving, but without the calories. Ooh or a fruit platter!

    I know today I hadn't had any water before we left, so thats probably more the reason why I went crazy. I did avoid the coke though and had water.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    my weakness foods are easy to avoid... I just don't buy them. I know their power over me (often sending me into a binge spiral), so I stay FAAAAAAR away
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Fruit or veggies works for me. I also stay away from the table. If my husband can go, I send him. I also tell people I can't because I am going to work out or just ate etc -- that way it sort of holds me accountable etc. IT IS VERY HARD! Thanks for posting I will watch this thread.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    Eat before you go.
    Bring something healthy with you.
    Chew gum
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    what works for me is to eat before i go, and take my water with me, that way im not tempted to eat whats there, also another good idea is to bring something healthy for yourself and the other moms and remember eating that junk wont help you reach your goal.

    another thing: dont sit where the food is, move around, go outside(with your water) just make a effort to stary away from the table.

    hope this helps.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    The very best way for me to control myself especially at a holiday party or birthday party is to EAT before I get there! Once I start munching, the cat is out of the bag and will never go back in! If I go with my husband and he has a piece of cake, I'll ask him for one bite. He gives it to me, but never offers, and always walks away after the bite. Sometimes he announces to people how much weight I've lost - embarrassing, but what can you do after that, stuff your face??

    Just eating the veggies doesn't work for me. I have to not feel hungry. SO eat a healthy and full of fiber (veggies) meal and drink like 4 glasses of water ( chug these) before you leave the house.

    I'll need to remember these tips of mine on the 27th! Dinner party! I will have to eat but will also allow for plenty of calories wiggle room and have exercised as much as possible before I go!

    Good luck! Every party gives us a new beginning and a chance to do it right!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    i try and take bottled water with me. i dont deny myself, i have a sample of what i want. then walk away from the food table. after my food has had a moment to settle, i go play and run with the kids. i dont get just adult parties , everyone i know has kids.
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I have an easy way to deal with it, but it probably wont' work for most people :) My kids have food allergies (1 has mild dairy, 1 has dairy and soy and can't eat anything if I don't know what in it) so if we have to go anywhere I take food with us. Just a few little snacks that I know they can eat and I make sure to pack a bit extra so I can munch on some too.
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Awesome tips everyone - thanks! I just went out for a walk and ran stairs - even though I wanted to vomit because I ate so much I kept pushing, overwise I really would have blown my day.

    I was a kids party and there was heaps of junk. Now I've got plenty of ideas and tips for next time - and if I remember the wanting to vomit feeling I think I'll be great for next time!

    Thanks again :flowerforyou:
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Edit for double post
  • Tyra1976
    Tyra1976 Posts: 21
    I don't buy certain foods under any circumstances. These foods are BANNED from my house:

    Keebler Grasshopper cookies and Girl Scout Thin Mints
    Chocolate Holiday Candy of any kind - I only buy non-chocolate candy that I won't eat.