Fanatical or determined, it's a fine line!

The first thing you have to know about me is I have absolutely no problem making fun of myself! It’s a good source of humor right there. I love to have fun and make people laugh. Do I like people making fun of me, ah NO that’s my job. I bite back, hard.

Second, when I have my mind set on something, I give it all! I mean all, and yes I can be fanatical.

The last few days on the MFP message boards I’ve seen new folks question, certain things. Like the young lady who was doing an offsite meeting with her kids school and concerned about the food that was going to be provided, and if it was alright if she brought her own.(Hell ya!) When your dieting, you have to be on a mission. You don’t only diet when it’s convenient to do, you always have to be dieting. That’s how that weight snuck up on you in the first place, in most cases.

I’ve read about people questioning portion sizes. I’ve read about people really not knowing about portion sizes. I’ve also read a few people who are lying to themselves about the portions they are really eating. Ah, a quarter of a jar of peanut butter really is a lot more than a tablespoon. Sorry, but it’s the truth.

You can put down whatever you want in your food diary, the only person you’re hurting is yourself! In this post I’m not going to discuss the girl who thought it was ok to eat 1300 calories, 1000 of which were Ice cream. That’s a whole other post, and her problem. I haven’t had ice cream in over a year! Nor do I plan to anytime in the near future.

So with that said and the title of this post. Yes, I’m fanatical and determined! I am going to lose weight! I use these “tools” in this picture several times a day! Every day!

I have no problem using them either, I want to be absolutely sure the weight, volume, amount of everything. Is it a bit fanatical, OH YEA!

But I will lose weight, I’m determined to and when I put my mind to it, I rarely lose! After I get to where I want to be, then I’ll put the scale and measuring cup(s) away. It’s what I have to do, just to make sure. Should you do it? That’s up to you, and not for me to say. I can only control what’s in my world.

I tell my friends that know me that I do it, and they’re not surprised. Am I a social outcast, nope never have been, I’m I out spoken, oh yea and I know it. Am I an idiot, nope, I try really, really hard not to be. Am I the guy you would talk to at parties, oh yea, always have been. Always will be. Do I love to joke, absolutely ALL the time!

Do I like to share, yep! That’s how we learn, that’s how I learned the things I know.

A couple of dieting tips!
1.) Once you hit your goals, dieting will of changed your life or least it better of. You’re not only dieting to lose weight, but change your life! Believe me it will, if not you’ll be back to where you were before you started dieting.
2.) Dieting is more than getting to your goals and more than just losing weight, it will change your life.
3.) It isn’t easy, or everyone would be doing it!
4.) Do whatever it takes to get to your goals! Short of starving yourself or fasting, both which do more harm than good!
5.) Remember don’t below 1200, even if you THINK you know what you’re doing! Multitudes of people have tried it before you, and you know what it didn’t work! It’ll come back to haunt you.

Good luck on your goals!




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  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    Lov it- well said!!!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Wow, someone who can rant as well as I can.

    -Godspeed on your mission