
Hello, new here. Just thought I'd stop by to introduce myself and say hi. I've been trying this site out for a couple weeks, but haven't been very consistent... working on it though... so I thought I'd get into the message boards and see if that helps me out too.


  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey Oddyss3y! Welcome! I'm in the same boat -- I'd been toying with MFP off and on, and decided to get more active by introducing myself, connecting with some people, and it's helping me stay focused on my goals. Nothing beats having a cheering section! :happy: Feel free to send me a friend request if you'd like. Take care, and good luck!
  • bluellies
    bluellies Posts: 82 Member
    Being active on the forums could definitely help you stay on MFP more, that's for sure! GL on your journey :)