Water Pills

So a few months ago I bought a pack of Diurex water pills to help ease some of the pain I was having due to water retention while on my period but the past week and a half I have been taking one every night with some hope that it'll help me loose the water weight by the time I weigh in in the morning. I really don't think this is a good habit to get into so will drinking a glass of water at night before I go to bed have the same result??


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You should only take them if a Doctor tells you too. You could be damaging you heart and kidneys. I would not take them unless I was told to by a professional.
  • nikki91950
    nikki91950 Posts: 647
    that's definitely a bad habit to get into :/ plain water will benefit you more! your body naturally gets rid of excess water overnight, so popping a pill every night before bed won't do you much good. it's kind of counterintuitive because you need to drink water when you take those pills to prevent dehydration, so either way, you need to be drinking water, and it will help! i know from experience!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I have no idea how to answer your question. When I read it I got a bad feeling. I remember taking a water pill when I was younger and it feeling like someone had just taken a baseball bat to my kidneys. It was the 1 and only time I ever took a water pill. I don't know why I had that reaction but it was days before my back didn't ache anymore. Maybe it's my maternal instinct that if you were one of my kids I don't think I'd want you doing that without there being a medical need -- I just wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.
  • carolynmittens
    definitely not a good habit to get into. but trust me, buy some fennel tea. fennel is a natural diuretic and it absolutely works. i drink a few cups of fennel tea each day when i have my period or if i'm just feeling bloated from too much sodium or something the day before. works like a charm!
  • angelzoya519
    Hi a little information about water pills. You want to take them in the am with food and water. Drink lots of water throughout the day ( u will have to pee alot but u are not just releasing the water u drank for the day but the extra water too) I have been on them before. Just remember that if u don't drink alot of water when u are on them they will dehydrate you.
    I wish you the best of luck in ur journey of weight lose.
  • VRoseDuda
    VRoseDuda Posts: 129 Member
    throw them away!
    remember that water isn't fat so all you are doing is dehydrating yourself which will cause yor body to hold on to water. You are much better flushing the toxins from your body. I drink almost a gallon or non-carbonated, non- caffeinated, no calorie liquids daily. Water regulaes all of your systems so drink up!! After about 2-3 days you won't feel like you are floating anymore.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I was put on water pills by a doctor and took them for about a week. One day work up with vertigo so bad I feel flat on my face. Apparently one of the side effects can be vertigo. I just happen to be the person that is in that small percentage on the warning labels. I ended up in the ER and then home from work for an entire week. I had to crawl to the bathroom because my balance was so bad I would crash into the walls if I tried to stand.

    However since I have been eating clean I don't have to worry about hidden sodium in my foods. My feet and ankles are no longer swollen. If you are worried about bloating, watch your sodium intake, especially if you eat any type of processed food. Increase your water intake if necessary, but leave those pills alone.