Excited! Would love to connect with some people

My name is Alex, I'm 20 years old and living in California. I took some time off from college to figure out what I want to do and save some money. I'm currently working as a recruiter at a merchant service provider.
As for my weight, I'm 5'6" and 122-125 pounds as of now. I'm very small framed so I could definitely lose five to ten pounds, but I'm much more concerned with my health, my nutrition and my fitness. My goal is to get in phenomenal shape. I want to run a mile without feeling like I'm dying, to be able to do 20 pushups or even one pull up!
I do love running (slow as I am), yoga, dance, and I used to horseback ride and owned two beautiful horses.
I've struggled with mindless, compulsive eating, and eating because I'm bored, or sad, or as something "special" to share with someone else. I want to focus on cutting out white flour, processed foods in general and sugar, and instead eat small, healthy portions.
My boyfriend and I are moving in together in two weeks, so I'm going to need to learn some good recipes! He's actually a fitness trainer, and he's always on a semi low carb high protein diet. I tend to eat more tofu, fruits and vegetables, but I really want to learn how to cook healthy meals we can both eat- especially to save money.
Anyway, props to you if you read all of that, message me if we have something in common I would love to talk.