Back fat/peanut butter correlation?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Fat doesn't make you fat.

    That is fundamentally wrong.
    Not all fat is unhealthy, but you better believe that cholesterol and saturated fat will make you fat.
    As for fructose, eating foods with high sugar contents are a sure fire way to put on the pounds, but to recommend not eating fruit to somebody trying to loose weight is a very poor show indeed. Fruit eating should be encouraged, a wide range of fruits provide so many excellent vitamins that you would be doing a dis-service by steering people away from them.

    I usually have about 4tbsp of Jif Natural Peanut Butter at least 3-5x a week lol. You can see from my profile picture there's not too very much fat on my back!

    I also eat whole salted butter (can't stand unsalted, sorry!) daily, fry my chicken breasts and pork loin chops in olive oil with butter...and even make gravy out of it as well using brown rice flour and milk. My vegetables are lightly sauted in seasoned butter just until they are warm. My salads contain seasoned olive oil and mozarella cheese...while my sandwiches use cream cheese instead of mayo. On high calorie or on workout days, I eat an apple with 4tbsp of the peanue butter I mentioned above. This is virtually my entire menu almost every day of the week lol...and until a couple weeks ago, I was losing 3-5lbs every seven days. I've since stalled in my weight loss, so I've switched to a zig zag caloric intake program (after eating about 500 extra caloried per day over the weekend). I am 100% certain the higher fat diet I'm consuming hasn't harmed my weight loss whatsoever. I'm only moderately exercising by the way, 3x a week, 45-60 minutes per day.

  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I am nearly vegetarian and at a point was almost vegan. I want to be completely vegan, but it is too hard with 3 teens in the house. Anyhoo, I love peanut butter and nuttella sandwiches on whole wheat bread. I still lost weight and they gave me the "dessert" I needed in a much healthier way.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    I still eat peanut butter every now and then. Peanut Butter Co. brand because I like it.
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    To answer the actual question, I know that a lot of trainers will ask for their clients to take peanut butter out of their diet at first and then gradually it can be reintroduced. However not the regular type, only the types that are natural. I haven't had all the types of pb out there, but I like the Jif Natural with low sodium. It is still nice and creamy and the ingredients list is very low making it easier for your body to digest.

    Your eyes might have played a trick on you and now you are stuck on the idea that this peanut butter had to have made your back get larger, but I doubt (especially as a vegetarian who doesn't normally consume high amounts of fat each day) that is has really actually happened. I would recommend measuring yourself with a tape measurer since you don't like the scale! That way you can still see results or changes.

    I hope this helped!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Fructose is a low GI sugar, meaning that it's slowly released into your body. Therefore it's actually a lot better for you than refined sugars like glucose and sucrose because you don't get sugar peaks and crashes. Things that are high in glucose levels do cause your blood sugar levels to spike, which isn't good for your body. Sucrose, as in caster/granulated sugar etc., is by far the worst sugar for you. Fructose is water soluble, sucrose is a disaccharide which your body finds more difficult to deal with.

    Actually sucrose (which is also water soluble, by the way) is readily digested and rapidly enters the bloodstream as its component parts, glucose and fructose. While neither of these monosaccharide is evil when eaten as mother nature intended, you don't want to consume either of them in excess. One plays havoc with your insulin levels and appetite while the dominant metabolic pathway of the other takes it straight to fat. Fructose can be metabolized only by the liver and leaves that organ in the form of triglycerides on VLDL particles. So eat your fruit; it's good for you. But it's a good idea to try to limit processed foods and beverages with added sugar - whether sucrose or high fructose corn syrup.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    EATING fat does NOT make you fat. Eating carbs does not make you fat, eating protein does NOT MAKE YOU FAT.

    Guys, all of these are important, and no, hydrogenated oils do not cause you to gain fat, no more than eating whole grain wheat does, or an apple.

    It's all about how MUCH you eat. if you eat to much fat, or carbs, or protein then you gain fat, regardless of the type of macronutrient you eat. So in the end, your dietary nutrient quality is important, but assuming you're getting the right amount of nutrients, the amount of calories you eat will determine if and how much fat you gain. Where that fat is put on your body is determined by other factors. Mostly genetic, age, sex, and your current situation. It has little to do with they type of food you eat (although there have been studies to suggest certain foods will lend themselves mildly to fat build up in certain areas like the stomach or thighs, but these studies are NOT conclusions, just documented cases that need to be validated by further study).

    Is trans fat and hydrogenated oil good for you? No, but not because it makes you fat, these fats have a free electron, which can cause certain types of arterial problems and are conducive to certain types of cancer conditions, but they really have very little to do with adding fat to your body. In fact, I just wrote about this in my health blog, feel free to read up on fats (healthy and otherwise) here: and while you're at it, look at some of my other posts to gain other nutrition and exercise related knowledge.

    to the OP: no, 4 oz of peanut butter will not cause you to gain fat in an area. But I'd say this, try to look for natural peanut butter without the hydrogenated oil, as it's far better for you, and tastes about the same (although it doesn't last nearly as long on the shelf).

  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar makes you fat. Namely fructose. Yes, that includes fruit, so cutting down is best. (To give you an idea of how strongly I believe this: The only fruit I eat regularly are bananas and only every 3rd or 4th day at most.)

    I'm willing to bet your peanut butter is loaded with fructose (think corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup.) And it probably doesn't stop there. Check your other foods' fructose content, as well. Those ought to go.

    Hope that helps!

    I'm sorry but I'd like to know where it is that you're getting your information from that you're then going around telling to people like it's fact? Because I completely disagree with all that you just said.

    Yes, fat does make you fat. Sugar doesn't help, but how the hell does fat not make you fat?! Fatty foods will have a major impact on someone's weight loss/gain and fat levels.

    Also, your knowledge on sugar isn't quite right there I'm afraid. Fructose and fruit are not the worst sugars that you can have.

    Fructose is a low GI sugar, meaning that it's slowly released into your body. Therefore it's actually a lot better for you than refined sugars like glucose and sucrose because you don't get sugar peaks and crashes. Things that are high in glucose levels do cause your blood sugar levels to spike, which isn't good for your body. Sucrose, as in caster/granulated sugar etc., is by far the worst sugar for you. Fructose is water soluble, sucrose is a disaccharide which your body finds more difficult to deal with.

    Sugar has absolutely no nutritional value really, but fruit does with a multitude of vitamins and fibre. Yes, fruits are high in sugar but they're natural sugars and so they shouldn't be avoided. If you're eating 20 apples a day, that's too much, otherwise you're just fine.

    Thank you for pointing out that fruit sugar is different and NOT bad or something that should be avoided. Fruits have fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, etc...and should definitely be included in just about everyone's diet. Fruit is my favorite food group and I hate hearing people say not to eat it because of the sugars. You did a great job explaining how the sugars are different...much better than I could have :happy: