why is my weight not dropping???

debsdiet1 Posts: 3
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I have now been dieting and exercising for the last 3 weeks and have seen no weight change.
I'm 5.5" and weigh 11stone 10lbs so I am overweight, I thought I'd see more of a weight change by now!!

I go jogging/power walking twice a week and a zumba class to.

On an average day I am eating the following:

2 slices of weight watchers bread with marmite
1 Ham and Salad sandwich, with low cal crisps
Chicken Salad new potatoes and salad dressing
an ice lolly and two handfuls of grapes.
poss1 biscuit

I'm feeling really down and when I haven't seen any change for 3 weeks it makes me wanna just give up (and I really don't wanna do that!!)

Anyone have any ideas on what I could do or need to change???

Thanks guys x


  • TheMrsBee
    TheMrsBee Posts: 226 Member
    I am exactly the same!! it's really getting me down too! i have decided to cut out bread completely from my diet for a few days/week to see where that gets me, and i have started the 30 day shred dvd and i'm starting C25K tonight after work.

    I would suggest you cut down or cut out bread and maybe up your exercise durning the week, maybe do something every day or every other day?

    good luck WE CAN DO THIS!! x
  • naomi7703
    naomi7703 Posts: 17
    Are you drinking a lot? coffees, coke etc all have a calorie content, but i would say you just need to get walking each eve for 20mins and you will see a difference.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Need to see your diary, I'll find the mistake.
  • molly3xx
    molly3xx Posts: 1

    Please don’t give up, I am sure you will see a huge change in the scales soon, did you do your measurements before you started on you exercise and healthy eating plan? I bet with all the exercise you have been doing you would have lost inches even if the lbs aren’t showing just yet.

    Possibly try varying the food you have. Maybe have bran flakes or Weetabix for breakfast, if your body is expecting the same food every day at the same time it might be trying to store it, if that makes sense.

    Are you sure you are writing everything down, the only reason I ask is that there aren’t any fluids written down. It’s surprising what is in a glass of wine or a can of coke.....

    Hope this helps xxxx
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I don't know how many calories that amounts to per day, but if you're eating WAY less than what MFP figured out for you, then coupled with your activity, you may have slowed your metabolism down to the point where it's not burning calories effectively.

    I won't ask to see your diary, or make it public, because what you wish to keep private is your own choice, unless you're unaware that it's set to private be default, either way, be mindful that there's a reason why you have a daily caloric goal set up for you to eat each day. Expending calories means your body must refuel that same amount of energy in order to keep metabolism stable.

    It's just a suggestion for you to make some sort of change to your routine, but you're old enough to make your own informed decision. If after 3 weeks you haven't seen any progress, then it might be a good idea to modify or change something. Either through calories and/or activity.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    Try mix up what you eat a bit more. For instance try different meats, different things on your sandwich or maybe use pitta breads instead of bread? just anything to stop your body getting into a routine and used to what you are doing. Also, I can't stress enough how important water is - doesn't have to be plain water, I almost always have sugar free dilute in it to make it taste better and it stops me getting too peckish mid morning and afternoon - especially at work!
    Try mixing up your cardio too, although it sounds like you are doing great with walking and zumba!! Maybe get some strength training in there to build up the muscles?
    It's hard work, I'm really struggling but keep going and water water watttttter!
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    Check the amount of sugar in everything you eat. It's in everything from bread to deli meats. It made a big difference for me.
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Based on what you listed as what you're typically eating... most likely you are not eating enough at ALL, especially if you're exercising! Like anubis609 said, this will have slowed your metabolism and your body will hang on to everything for dear life.

    Up your intake, and try to get as much of your daily calories as you can from lean proteins, healthy fats, good carbs, and plenty of fresh fruit and veggies. Try to eat as little boxed/processed foods as possibly, and drink plenty of water! :)
  • gjf62
    gjf62 Posts: 1

    I think you may find that you are not eating enough calories, so your body is in starvation mode. The same thing was happening to me. I'm diabetic and saw a dietitian about two months ago because I have been formally exercising since Christmas and have been on a low fat dairy free diet for the last four years and have been steadily putting weight on over the last four years instead of losing it. I really couldn't understand why. The exercising made no difference. I kept a diary of everything I ate and drank to show her. She said I was eating all the right foods with just the occasional naughty food, which is ok, and good exercise regime, but she said I was only averaging about 600 calories a day and that I should eat 1200 calories a day, which is backed up by this website too I've had to continue keeping a diary and she wants to see me after three months. Well I have been struggling to eat 1200 calories, but have found it easier to do if I eat a little but often, so I eat six times a day instead of three. I have already lost 8lb and reduced my waist measurement by 3.5 inches. I was gobsmacked when I was told to eat more, but it seems to be working.
  • dbendelow
    dbendelow Posts: 27
    I would say your not eating enough and your body is clinging to the food it gets.

    I was really strict when i started doing this, thinking it was better to always be under MFP daily calorie intake but since i started eating more and getting as close to my allowance as possible, then when i exercise i allow myself treats, I dont eat back all my bonus calories from exercising but some, and i have found weight loss is getting better :) keep at it!
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    I'm 5'5 and 148lbs and have only lost 3lbs since i started this a month and a half ago and to be honest I have lost most of it since I started C25K and concentrating on what I'm eating at the weekend(which is my downfall) It will happen hunni, but maybe concentrate on being healthy and eventually the weight loss will happen :)
  • debsdiet1
    debsdiet1 Posts: 3
    Thanks peeps for your responses....

    I am drinking water with same amounts of sugar free squash and probably have 3 glasses of diet Coke per day also.

    I have gone in on this really hard and I am under MFP calories everyday, I can't get my head around if I eat more that I'll loss more.
    I understand the starvation mode, however I have always lost weight in the past and after having second child it just doesn't seem to be moving.

    I am quite embarressed about my diary content, but if anyone could take there time to look at my diary and help advise me I'd be very grateful.

  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    Well, I still can't see your diary cause you have it private. But, if you're eating under 1200 calories or even under 1k, then that's the problem. Not enough food. My friend never believed me when I told him he had to eat more to lose weight. He listened to me (because he can see my results) and now he's lost like 6 lbs and he is still eating crappy food lol even though he counts the calories.
  • debsdiet1
    debsdiet1 Posts: 3
    Thanks colombianwarrior....I now think that this is my main problem, I am rarely hitting 1000 so I will try and increase this and hopefully will help :-)
  • tinareet
    tinareet Posts: 126
    hiya, yes it is definately because you aren't eating enough, you must eat 1200 MINIMUM and tbh i find if i eat at 1200 i still dont lose(infact i gain) I have found somewhere inbetween 1300 and 1400 is best for me, which is about right as my BMR is approx 1400 but it is defo a slow journey. I burn naturally in a day 1700 cals sedentary(so this is BMR times 1.2 for sedentary) so i end up with -300 deficit everyday which is 0.6lbs lost a week. If i burn extra calories, i eat these back(well try too) and i should still lose the 0.6lbs a week.

    So maybe if weigh loss slows in future try upping your calories to you BMR. but different things work for different people and half the battle is finding what works for you. good luck hunni. xx
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    Hi there are some really great suggestions on here, but don't forget everyone's body is different and what works for others may not work for you.
    I have also been trying my best exercising loads for the past 3 weeks but have not lost a lb, but I am not going to focus on this becuase then I will give up.
    Do you feel better in yourself? do your clothes fit better? these are my focuses.
    I read a blog on here about a woman who didn't lose weekly but every 4 or 5 weeks she would drop 7lbs and I think that is probably going to be how my body works so I am only going to way once a month from now on and maybe that is how your body is going to deal with weight loss.
    So don't worry about what the scales say concentrate on how you feel.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    That is exactly how I was before I started on here. I had to really up the exercise to start seeing any weight loss. How long is your run? I have to do 45 mins to an hour 3 times a week to start seeing any improvement. Also you might want to try cutting out some of the carbs? I used to eat a ton of bread, even though my calories were always way under, I never lose weight while I eat bread. I have had to cut it out almost completely.
  • kelsw
    kelsw Posts: 2 Member
    :happy:I to have increased my exercise over the last three weeks but I failed to track everything that I eat. I have noticed pants that were tight are now not even though the scale did not move and I can do so much more. For me it is the calories in that I need to track and lower to meet my goal. You are doing this not just for a number on the scale but also to be healthy never forget that exercise really is the key to a helathy life. Our bodies are meant to move so keep it up you are going to be successful.
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    Based on what you listed as what you're typically eating... most likely you are not eating enough at ALL, especially if you're exercising! Like anubis609 said, this will have slowed your metabolism and your body will hang on to everything for dear life.

    Up your intake, and try to get as much of your daily calories as you can from lean proteins, healthy fats, good carbs, and plenty of fresh fruit and veggies. Try to eat as little boxed/processed foods as possibly, and drink plenty of water! :)

    Agreed :flowerforyou:
  • I don't think you are eating enough. Also your diet isn't balanced. There is no dairy in there by the looks of it. Also not a lot of protein. 2 slices of bread isn't a lot for breakfast - you need to have a good meal at breakfast to set you up for the day. Add a couple of poached eggs to this for protein. Or have some low GI Oats (Uncle Tobys make a good one), add fruit to the cereal. Have a morning snack of fruit or low fat yoghurt. Add cheese to your lunch and maybe a complete salad rather than salad with the roll. More fruit for an afternoon snack or a protein bar. Try some nuts. There aren't a lot of veges in there either. You should be getting about 90g of protein per serve with 2-3 serves per day. 1-2 dairy, 2 fruit, 4-5 veges and some bread or carbs in there as well. Lots of water. To speed up your metabolism you should eat every 3-4 hours rather than just at meal times. It all helps. I would aim to exercise at least 5 days a week even if you only fit in a 20 min walk. I used to have every excuse for not making that effort but with the help of a dietician found time when I can exercise. Also, from your pic you don't look that heavy, could it be that your body is already at a good weight and you simply cannot lose any more? The one thing I have learnt in the last 12 months is that it isn't just about losing weight it is about being healthy - so rather than try to just cut back on what I eat now I make wise choices and look at the bad choices as being harmful to my long term health. It is simple to make a good choice when you realise you are hurting youself. Also if you cut down on your calorie intake to lose weight but don't learn about nutrition you will never keep the weight off which should really be the long term goal.
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