4 Months to Tone Up : Here we go Again!

xlpavenged7x Posts: 56 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey guys, I'm finally back to MFP. I'm still recently new, then I left MFP a week ago because I became really unmotivated. My US Marine boyfriend came home for only 10 days and we went out to eat a lot and I just didn't even do MFP for the whole 10 days. He just left again this morning for 4 months, so I decided to go back on MFP. I would love friends to help motivate me :D


  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    Good for you for coming back. It's okay to take breaks especially for 10 days of quality time with someone special. We all need times like that!
  • Naw, I know how you feel. My bf is in the army too. I eat so little when he's gone because I'm upset and tend not to take much care, so when he comes home we go out everywhere and eat everything in our sights celebrating for the first few days, lol.
    I've decided now that even though I'm a small girl naturally, I'm not 100% with my body (who is???) and I am extrememly unfit! Working on toning up and running the engine better. :)
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