Not losing weight?



  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    Directly from Mayo Clinic's website... "Being underweight may weaken your immune system and put you at risk of osteoporosis. Ask your doctor what you can do to achieve a healthier weight or to address unexpected weight loss."
  • becca3265
    becca3265 Posts: 5 Member
    I thought underweight was below 17? I don't look underweight?
  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    I thought underweight was below 17? I don't look underweight?

    Research it... Mayo Clinic or Web MD - both medically credible websites.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Hey there
    Did you say you weigh 110 lbs? I don't know your frame, height and dress size, but to me, it sounds like you are already where you should be with your weight. If you have noticed "fat" in certain areas, since you are already at a low weight you should consider lifting, crunches, lunges, etc. Up your protein intake as well.


    Your weight isn't the problem. What you're probably wanting to get rid of is flabbiness. So don't focus on losing. Focus on toning up. In fact, you may gain, but you'll look smaller and more toned. Set your MFP goal to "maintenance" and just switch up what you're eating, not how much you're eating. And get a lot of protein! That really helps with toning up. :)

    Also, is your weight loss goal an ideal goal for your body, or are you trying to meet some outside criteria? Do you have friends who brag about weighing 100 lbs? What you may not realize is that you could be thinner than your friend weighing 10 lbs more than them. There is no set weight for everyone. We're all put together differently. Muscle tone, bone density, frame size, those all contribute to weight variations.

    Two people of the same height can be wearing the same size of clothing, have the same measurements, and still weigh differently on the scales. My sister used to wear a size 2, and she weighed 145 lbs at the time. (She's also 5'5") But she was very, very toned.

    Focus on strength-training instead. You will start looking smaller and feeling more healthy. Then, if 100 lbs is some kind of status symbol, lie to your friends about how much you weigh. :) No one will know the difference, and we won't tell. LOL!
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I'm 5,5 but only want to lose 10 lbs just not sure why my weights stuck on a plateau

    At 5' 5" you are clinically "under weight" at 18.3 BMI... your weight SHOULD be stuck on a plateau! DO NOT continue dieting without consulting a physician!!

    Yea your body is trying to hold on to that weight because it sounds as though you are actually under weight and trying to keep any nourishment it can get. As some have mentioned here, please see a physician and talk to them. To be 5'5 and at 100 is not realistic, and can be quite dangerous.
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    I thought underweight was below 17? I don't look underweight?

    A BMI of 17 is still VERY low. Okay so someone who is maybe 4'10, real petite tiny frame may have a BMI of 17, but it would be pretty much impossible to be 5'5 medium frame and be at a BMI of 17, unless you were starving and malnourished. I am 5'4, medium frame and if I were to go under 120 pounds, I would look sick. No muscle tone, malnourished.

    You may not see yourself as underweight, but you may need to talk to someone about this.