good or bad choice??

So today i went shopping with some friends and as we were out over lunch they wanted to go for a bite to eat, They mentioned McDonalds or a pub lunch and i wasnt keen on either i thought with McD's ill just eat cos i havent had it for ages and then in an hour ill be hungry again, and with a pub lunch im likely to get swayed into a glass or three of wine. So i suggested a little cafe in the shopping centre called Giardino's.

So in we went and i ordered a cafe special panini (chicken, bacon,mozzarella & spinach) and a diet coke. the other girls made their choices and we all sat down to eat. It was lovely i really enjoyed it & im still full over an hour later. i even left a bit! which for me is unheard of!
ive just worked out the calories and its around 500, which ok doesnt seem that much but ive got all day to go yet (and my OH is cooking steak tonight).

Should i have made a better lower calorie choice...or should i rush around like an idiot for the next hour or so to try and give myself time to squeeze in a quick workout before tea??


  • liz11599
    liz11599 Posts: 220 Member
    I agree with Bynsky...your compromise of restaurants was a great idea. I love paninis and would have ordered the same thing, although may have omitted the bacon, however it wouldn't have been as tasty. I say good for you for treating yourself! :drinker:
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I think you made a good choice given the peer pressure you had. Perhaps next time you could ask the wait staff to customize your sandwich (eliminate any butter they may put on the bread before grilling, leave off the bacon) and maybe you could get that sandwish closer to 400 caloiries next time. You always put in a good workout so don't punish yourself if you miss a day. Maybe think about your "To Do" list and be creative with it as in create exercises to get over the hump today like do 25 lunges per leg while holding a basket full of laundry or pick up 2 soup cans as weights and do some arm curls. Doing something today instead of completely doing nothing for exercise will ease your mind and conscious so you can enjoy your day and your steak dinner tonight :) And if you are worried about going over on calories maybe you could make steamed broccoli and/or asparagus with garlic and EVOO or something light on the side.
  • dikent
    dikent Posts: 24
    I think it is ok to eat like that once in awhile and I think foods made with fresh ingredients (and not deep fried) are always the better choice. What is really important is what you are doing all the other days. One day of indiscretion does not a failure make. :)
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I think you made a good choice today, and I agree, perhaps another time, get the waitress to leave off teh butter at least. You've got to be able to build in these lunches, and it was a much better choice than the pup or mc D's. I say, well done!