Marathon Club (questions, training, etc.)

Cletc Posts: 352
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'd like to train for a Marathon (eventually) but I know we have some Marathon veterans and trainees on the boards here.

I'd like to maintain a long-term Marathon Club topic here.

Feel free to post your questions, workouts, training plans, etc.



  • Angiebug1969
    Angiebug1969 Posts: 152
    AWESOME idea!! Count me in!! :bigsmile:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Im in ... but I am just a half marathoner ... but fantasizing about a marathon someday! :)
  • DrAlexz
    DrAlexz Posts: 4
    I just ran my first marathon last October (Chicago's, 10/10/10!). I want to run another, but I feel like I need to get into a better regular running routine before I tackle 26.2 again. Maybe a few more half marathons before my next full... (:
  • DrAlexz
    DrAlexz Posts: 4
    I see you ran the cellcom half! I ran it last year - it was my first half marathon. It was a great experience. I heard the weather for this year's cellcom event wasn't as nice as last year's.
  • sandybeach11
    sandybeach11 Posts: 198 Member
    Sounds good! I'm currently training for a 1/2 but one day want to go for the full 26.2.
  • ChrisR0128
    ChrisR0128 Posts: 86
    I have never run a race yet, but enjoy running long distances. I was recently challenged my a relative to run a full marathon next May. Now I find I enjoy running even more, I have something to train for now. Doing this on my own but would love to hear how other more experienced runners train. My longest distance so far is 14 miles.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Doin a half in Sept. but have a full in my future somewhere :)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352

    I'm doing a few HM in the next 12 months.
    I'd like to do a Full Marathon Fall of 2012
  • shawn526
    shawn526 Posts: 79 Member
    Sounds great! I'm doing Buffalo on Sunday, and I have a pretty packed marathon schedule through 2012 :)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Find a race near you under the
    "events and results" option
    enter your month, year, and state

    If you have ever entered a Race before, look yourself up. You're in the database already.

  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I ran one three years ago in 3:37. I ran the first 16 miles too fast, above my goal pace, and then crawled along in misery for the last six miles. I am currently training for another one this coming November and will not make that pacing mistake again.

    I think the most important training thing is simply to run lots of miles (as many as you can without breaking down).

    Last time I pushed that theory too far and moved into the exhaustion realm for a while when I was pushing 80 miles a week. This time I am holding it back in the 50 - 60 mile range and trying to add a few more quality runs per week in addition to a long run.

    So, I have five more months to see how my new plan works.
  • hungrymarathongirl
    hungrymarathongirl Posts: 444 Member
    I am doing my first full on Sunday. Great thread. I currently use Runner's World Smart Coach app for training.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I think the most important training thing is simply to run lots of miles (as many as you can without breaking down).

    I'm still in basebuliding buildup (from the Couch) but I am trying to do the above.... only I train by minutes (time on feet) not distance, but over enough time it kind of becomes similar.
    The more minutes on my feet, the faster my pace gets at the same effort, the more distance I cover in the same time.

    I'm aiming for Fall 2012 for a Full.
    It will be a Long Slow Gradual Build-Up for me to get there

  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I'm running my first 1/2 marathon in less then 2 weeks and I have shin splints...... I'm so frusterated!!! I've stretched and stretched, and ben gayed and icy hotted......
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I ran chucago last year for my first marathon and am now training for chicago this year. I loved the first 19 miles. Then hit that wall...fueling issues I believe. This year I am generally following hal higdon novice repeat some of the long runs so I feel more confident in experimenting with fueling while running..I was afraid to blow a run last year...I also find running for a cause to be extremely motivating and rewarding. Great thread.
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    I will be running my first marathon in 12 days! Rock N Roll San Diego here I come!

    (I have done 2 half marathons this year)
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I just did my first half this month and contemplating a full in the fall.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Im in ... but I am just a half marathoner ... but fantasizing about a marathon someday! :)

    Please Join our HM Club - welcome!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I'm running my first 1/2 marathon .....

    Please Join our HM Club - welcome!
  • Sarah101010
    Sarah101010 Posts: 235
    Yay! Great club. :) I am expecting a baby in 5 weeks but will be back to training shortly after that. I hope to run a 1/2 this fall (if I can find one late enough in the season) and at least 2 fulls next year, hopefully 3. I have run 4 full marathons so far and 3 half marathons. Thanks for starting thlis up!
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