*closed group* BL challenge May-June pt 2



  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Well, that sucks. I thought she was so nice for putting this together, but that sucks to bail on it right at the end.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    in her defense, she did send out several messages saying that she had a lot going on in her life with her job and her personal life and she wouldn't create a june challenge. I was a little bummed too that we never got final results or anything.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Why don't we just try to figure out who was the winner? Is there anyone who lost 10 lbs or more? If so post your starting weight and finishing weight as of June 1.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Why don't we just try to figure out who was the winner? Is there anyone who lost 10 lbs or more? If so post your starting weight and finishing weight as of June 1.

    According to my Weight record (Weigh ins on Saturday)

    -April 30th- 246
    -May 28th- 233

    Total- 13 pounds.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    That's 5.28%! No one else has responded, so if no one lost more than 10 lbs, or more than 5.28%, then I guess TryingHard wins. Didn't you win the one for May too, TryingHard? That is so great!

    Any tips? I'm losing SO slowly lately.
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I won last month, so give it to the second in line :wink:

    You can check out my diary if you like. I try to eat pretty clean. I focus more on diet (food consumption) than exercise however I do exercise 5-6 days a week.

    I measure and weigh my foods and only eat the serving size. So portion control is 90% of my success. :happy:
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Congrats tryinhard!

    MightyMay1 - looks like you're still consistently losing at least 1 pound a week which is still terrific! Are you measuring too? you might be dropping a lot more inches than pounds!
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Thanks! I appreciate that, pverbarg. I think I need to increase my workout intensity.

    TryingHard, no one else responded! You win because you earned it. You don't step down in the Biggest Loser! What would Jillian say?! HAHA. Congratulations.