Calories Burned In 30 Day Shred

I can't seem to find the option in MFP and didn't know how many calories I should record for doing level 1. Or what can I type in to find it in the pre-settings?



  • crissa413
    crissa413 Posts: 67
    Log it as circuit training :)
  • KaylaKilgore
    KaylaKilgore Posts: 160 Member
    Good question. I start tomorrow :) Good luck to you =]
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Because workout videos vary so much with calories burned (based on how much effort you exert), the only way to have an accurate count is by wearing a Heart Rate Monitor (HRM).

    You can certainly do as crissa said and log it as circuit training, but keep in mind it probably won't be extremely accurate.

    Best of luck!
  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    I used 200 calories for the whole 30 days. I don't have an HRM so not sure of the exact amount, but that's what I put! Good luck to you! I loved the Shred!