Does anyone know...

Where I can look for a holiday in the USA that would take me to loads of different areas and cultures, in one trip? Like you know how students get deals that take them from one place to another then another but its all booked through one package? Thansk in advance xxxx


  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Well, the US is fairly large, so any tour that's going to take you to a lot of different areas is going to include a lot of traveling. But what kinds of things do you want to see? Do you want to see New York City? There's a LOT of stuff there. I've never been myself because I don't like cities, but I hear it's awesome. Do you want to see things like the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone? There are travel packages that include all that kind of thing. It kind of depends on what you want to see. You can't really get a sampling of the whole country in one trip, unless you're planning to stay for a couple of weeks, just because it's so large.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    I know and its the vastnesss i want to see. Scotland is soooo small lol!!! I dont know what I want to see I just want to see everything haha!! any ideas? saying that I have been to NYC - so thats defo not a priority! What is Yellowstone? I want to stay forever but a month would be good :) x
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    check out abc travel in germany...................... you can find reasonable airfare, While we were there my friend went to see her family here in the states(from Germany) for about 600 round trip. You can see so much in Europe, fast train to Paris, drive to Luxembourg and Belgium in a few hours. So fun.