


  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I didn't just do the 3 reps each week. I've tried doing 4 or 5 of each week before moving on. I'm not on Week 5 where they daily start changing and I'm repeating them once or twice until I feel comfortable moving to the next step. It has made me a lot more confident and willing to stick with it!

    I do HIGHLY recommend an HRM because it will really give you and accurate and exciting view of how much you're burning for all that effort!

    The c25k App does it too..at least, the official one does. It tells me how many calories I've burned (you obviously have to enter your weight for it to be accurate), plus how fast I have run and walked, and how far.

    I'm currently on W4, running outside all the time, and I can honestly say I love it! I never in a million years thought I could be a runner, but hey, looks like I was wrong! :laugh:

    I really hope all of you newcomers enjoy it as much as I do! There are some posts in my blog about my experiences, if you're interested!
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    I'm on W4 D2 and I love the program. I agree with some of the above posters that you may have to repeat weeks, but it's a great program and you will notice it gets easier and easier. I think my biggest problem is with pacing myself. I tend to go too hard and then have trouble finishing the running segment. I've learned to start out really slow and gradually speed up so I finish the segment winded but not feeling like I'm going to die. Hope this helps!! :smile:
  • nighthawk327
    Like Braonain a bit above, I tried it last summer and couldn't get past week 2, my knees would be out of commission for a whole week sometimes. After my friend introduced me to MFP I decided to lose at least 20 lbs and start up again by just walking. I'm hoping to get back into C25k after I lose a little more! Heard it's done wonders for many people. ;)
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
  • UmmZ
    UmmZ Posts: 3 Member
    Week 4 is killing me. I've had to take a break in btween as I went on hol. and I'm now finding week 4 hard to complete. I did repeat for a week and managed to finish my last run. I wonder if I should do another week 4 just for a confidence boost or take a leap and go straight into week 5?
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm actually starting W4 tomorrow! W3 was a little rough for me and I almost didn't continue the program, but I pushed through and now I'm anxious to see if I can do these 5 min intervals without dying. I've been running outside because there are inclines on the route I take, and it's nice just being out for a bit. I always feel great once I'm done. And the time FLIES by.