
Has anyone tried the Nutrisystem. I am a very busy girl and I have lost a bunch of weight using meals like lean cuisines but the can be high in bad carbs, sodium, ect. I'm hoping this is a good alternative for a healthier balanced diet. Did anyone see results with the program? What was your experience?


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I would say stick with your lean cuisine ..I did nutrisystem...but you have to buy groceries anyway veggies and fruit to go along with the meals...and lean cuisine is cheaper you can use coupons and store discounts...sodium wise I bet they are the same...I found myself lost when I would run out before the next delivery...
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I did it... I lost weight... it was disgusting!!! I got sick of it after a couple months and gained all the weight back...

    There are still ways to prepare/freeze/make quick meals

    Check out Hungry Girl recipe books for some very quick recipes. Or... google "quick healthy meals".

    I bet you come up with lots of options. Good luck!
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    I did do Nutrisystem once in 2005 and with the diet and exercising 2-3 hours a day I did lose 30 LBS in three months however the weight came right back later. I did not like the taste of the meals at all and most of the snacks taste like cardboard but I can only speak for myself. If I had a choice, I wouldn't put the money and time into that diet again; I prefer this site or Weight Watchers over that.

    Now, when I was on Jenny Craig that food tasted better than Nurtisystem so if you are just looking for a program that you get reasonable meals prepared for you then try Jenny Craig. I tried this program to but I wasn't on it long (1-2 months) to see much results and I ate more than the meals I bought.

    Good luck!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I liked nutrisystem for the 30 days I was on it... but then I didn't lose any weight >:(
  • chaoticbliss81
    I did Nutrisystem from Oct. 2010-January. Lost about 25 lbs in the time frame. The only decent tasting food are the frozen ones from Schwann's - the freeze dried entries that comes in the basic food plan are terrible. Lean Cuisine not only taste better, but they have WAY less sodium and have the same calories as Nutrisystem meals.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Nutrisystem is great for losing weight, but the problem lies in keeping it off after you've reached your goal. The problem with these types of diet plans is that you haven't learned how to eat better, just how to buy expensive, pre-packaged meals and follow their regimen. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just reminding that the secret in keeping the weight off afterward is learning how to change your eating habits while you are losing the weight.

    If you really don't have much time for preparing your own meals, I'd say it's definitely worth a shot. If you have a Costco membership, look into purchasing through them; it's cheaper.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Has anyone tried the Nutrisystem. I am a very busy girl and I have lost a bunch of weight using meals like lean cuisines but the can be high in bad carbs, sodium, ect. I'm hoping this is a good alternative for a healthier balanced diet. Did anyone see results with the program? What was your experience?

    I haven't personally used it but 2 people I work with used it and both lost a LOT of weight. But both also gained it back when they went off it.
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    My aunt did Nutrisystem and lost 65 lbs from it (in a year and half). She looks fantastic. It isn't cheap because you have to buy extra fruits, veggies, cheese, etc. They only provide you some of the stuff you ned. It does work though.
  • fitaliciag
    fitaliciag Posts: 373
    Nutrisystem is great for losing weight, but the problem lies in keeping it off after you've reached your goal. The problem with these types of diet plans is that you haven't learned how to eat better, just how to buy expensive, pre-packaged meals and follow their regimen. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just reminding that the secret in keeping the weight off afterward is learning how to change your eating habits while you are losing the weight.

    If you really don't have much time for preparing your own meals, I'd say it's definitely worth a shot. If you have a Costco membership, look into purchasing through them; it's cheaper.

    i completely agree. anyone can follow a program, but unles you learn how to eat right and keep that weight off, it won't stay off
  • okremix
    okremix Posts: 38 Member
    Yeah I did some research. I thought it would be more convenient but in reality it is about the same effort I am making now and the sodium in nutrisystem is very high. The problem is not losing weight. I know how to lose and maintain. The problem is healthy and convenient. My husband is the cook and he is deployed and I have no time. I guess I'll just keep watching the labels. I just need my own personal chef!