achey muscles and general tiredness and sleep deprivation wh

Hi all

I'm sitting exams for university the next month or so, and wanted some nutritional advice. I study best late at night, and work shifts, so sleep patterns can be erratic at the best of times. Mostly I just move my day that way and have a lie in, but days like today I have to fit in with society and be up and about early morning. I have upped my fitness regime and just returned to work following 6 months off with a broken leg, so my body is aware of its aches, just tired muscles in the morning.

I've had that tired muscles feeling all day, and have the feeling I need to be feeding my body appropriately in order to shake that off and be able to be mentally alert. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on how best to do that?

I've had healthy carbs today in the way of a cereal bar, a handful of nuts and porridge just now, thinking it'll replace glucogen in my muscles and hopefully give me the energy I'm craving. What else can I do?

I know my lifestyle isn't ideal, but its only this intense for the next month or so, and changing it in the short term isn't an option for me, as I know my studying patterns well and this is what works for me.

Many thanks!