30+ w/family & career attempting to get into shape

My name is Angie and I am looking for more friends to lend their support. I have always been "big boned" but have shed the weight by working out 4-6 days per week on and off over the years. I know it possible but it is a bit harder now that I have a career, family and home to care for... I'm also not in my twenties anymore!

I am looking to do this the right way, eat well and stay active. Friend or msg me if interested. :)

MFP starting weight: 179
Current: 169
Goal: 150

Cal: 1200
Workouts: 3-4 p/wk (Step, Kettlebell and Zumba)

Interests: Project management, hiking, knitting, organizing, cooking, working out, mediumship (Psychics), being positive, Franc Amreican history (French Canadian), old cars/trucks, Jeeping, motorcycles


  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    Hi there! It's terrific that you are finding the time to exercise. I know how hard it can be with a busy schedule.
  • Griffin90
    Griffin90 Posts: 64 Member
    Good luck Angie. That is my daughters middle name. Add me as a friend if you would like.

    Hope you have success.
  • MindiKat
    MindiKat Posts: 49
    Its tough and really tough to allow yourself to carve out "me" time but super important! Good luck!