
Just adding my intro to all the others out there. I downloaded the mobile app last week to start counting calories and have been pleased with the app, so I decided to use the website and I found this forum. Nice to have a support system when trying to lose weight or get in shape.

My story: I was always a skinny kid and even a skinny young adult. Marriage and life caught up and I started putting on pounds. Nothing too excessive but just out of shape. Then I had to have a defective heart valve replaced and from the surgery and the subsequent rehab, I lost 50lbs. I never felt better.

But over the last year or so, I've gotten lazy. I slowly quit exercising and not watching my diet. At this point in time I need to lose 5 to 10lbs (not that bad actually) but I need to exercise, distribute the weight to the right places, lose fat weight, find muscle wieight and feel better again.

Thanks for the inspiration to get back in shape!