MISSION MILF (Just In Case You Missed The 1st Post)



  • bellamiagalleria
    Y'all are cracking me up! Don't you know that MILF stands for "Mom I'd Like To FLIRT With?"

    Then that would be a longer unpronounceable acronym of MILTFW... I prefer the actual term...for simplicity's sake. :bigsmile:

    You're too clever for me! We could never be friends. LOL.
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    MILF's unite!!! ... So I can take a picture ;)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Y'all are cracking me up! Don't you know that MILF stands for "Mom I'd Like To FLIRT With?"

    Then that would be a longer unpronounceable acronym of MILTFW... I prefer the actual term...for simplicity's sake. :bigsmile:

    You're too clever for me! We could never be friends. LOL.

    Nah.. you're really nice. You could've called me an *kitten*. Haha.
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    the world can never have enough MILF's
    Increase my odds...LOL
  • humblemonkey
    humblemonkey Posts: 576 Member
    We have a very similar story, my friend!! I, too danced and cheered in HS and never really struggled to stay in shape because of this. I lost 15 pounds my first semester of my freshman year of HS because I hated eating cafeteria food so I only ate yogurt and chick peas...looking back idk how I lived. lol
    Anyway...I was in a terrible relationship and food became my go-to stress relief and as I started gaining weight, my relationship just got worse...and verbally and physically abusive. I moved on and was able to lose about 25 pounds and then I started dating my husband...we went out to eat a lot and for the first time in my life i was exposed to endless junk food that I never really ate... I also had turned 21 by then and we drank a LOT with friends... I went from 128 pounds when we started dating (April 2009) to 156 pounds this January first!! I hated looking in the mirror. I was miserable all the time. I decided to make a change!! We miscarried in September of 2009 and I think my poor nutrition with my PCOS had a lot to do with it. Were planning to try again next spring, and I want to be in tip-top shape by then to have better success and have an easier pregnancy. I also want MILF status--- its listed as one of my "goals"! So here I am--- 5 months later and 12 pounds lighter... and in WAY better shape. I still have a lot to go...but Im getting there and im doing it healthy!

    Good luck in your journey...feel free to add me!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    GO FOR IT! we are with you!! Become the smoking hottie you want to be!
  • xoxokryssie
    xoxokryssie Posts: 50
    Haha you can totally do it! I'd love to be a MILF but I'm not a mommy haha, so I'll just take the body of one until then! lol
  • bellamiagalleria
    Y'all are cracking me up! Don't you know that MILF stands for "Mom I'd Like To FLIRT With?"

    Then that would be a longer unpronounceable acronym of MILTFW... I prefer the actual term...for simplicity's sake. :bigsmile:

    You're too clever for me! We could never be friends. LOL.

    Nah.. you're really nice. You could've called me an *kitten*. Haha.

    Bahaha. I am a nice girl...I would never say that!
  • bellamiagalleria
    the world can never have enough MILF's
    Increase my odds...LOL

    Bahaha. You receive an E for effort.
  • bellamiagalleria
    Thanks everyone for all of your sweet compliments and inspirational words! :) Love y'all.
  • LdyWillow777
    I joined yesterday... my mission is not only to be a MILF but to be a GILF. yep I want to be the hottest Grandma this side of town..LOL well maybe not the hottest but I def. want to get back into shape, for me my story with weight gain happened 22 yrs ago when I was preggo with my son. I was young and just married. I went from 125 to (ugh) 275 in less than 3 yrs.. I used food as my way of dealing with life.. then I started to lose again dropped probably 75 pounds and then found out my Husband was cheating on me and well we seperated and got divorced.. Then I drank very heavily for oh lord 3-6 yrs... anyway today I have found myself again and well it's time to take back whats mine..(my life,My Health..) I have quit smoking WOW it's been a yr this week.. and have started to eat healthier.. started a workout program using both the Wii fit and an EZ Glider.. SO all I can say is Lets get this PARTY started, and Bellamiagalleria (can I call you Bella for short?) LET'S DO THIS !!! :-)
  • bellamiagalleria
    I joined yesterday... my mission is not only to be a MILF but to be a GILF. yep I want to be the hottest Grandma this side of town..LOL well maybe not the hottest but I def. want to get back into shape, for me my story with weight gain happened 22 yrs ago when I was preggo with my son. I was young and just married. I went from 125 to (ugh) 275 in less than 3 yrs.. I used food as my way of dealing with life.. then I started to lose again dropped probably 75 pounds and then found out my Husband was cheating on me and well we seperated and got divorced.. Then I drank very heavily for oh lord 3-6 yrs... anyway today I have found myself again and well it's time to take back whats mine..(my life,My Health..) I have quit smoking WOW it's been a yr this week.. and have started to eat healthier.. started a workout program using both the Wii fit and an EZ Glider.. SO all I can say is Lets get this PARTY started, and Bellamiagalleria (can I call you Bella for short?) LET'S DO THIS !!! :-)

    YOU'RE AWESOME! Thanks for the add girl!