Plus Size Kids Clothing...(VIDEO NEWS)

eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
(would hate to see a child read this post and see nothing but mean and angry responses...It's all about health, encouragement and positivity)

While I'm sad that it's necessary...I know as an overweight kid I would have loved to have cute "KIDS" clothing instead of having to shop in the women's department. I was teased endlessly for what I wore.

Those stats for childhood obesity are extremely sad and upsetting.


  • GingerDarlene
    GingerDarlene Posts: 164
    I agree
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I mean no disrespect WHATSOEVER!

    But I get so tired of seeing poor children that are overweight. Its soooo sad. and I cant help but blame the parents. If we all started teaching our children at a younger age then we wouldn't have these problems as adults. I wish my parents would have taught me more about nutrition when I was younger.

    AND, if we all learned how to be healthy at younger ages, then there wouldn't be cruel individuals who see it as a business opportunity. Just think about how much money is made that is targeted towards over weight people. all the fad diets, all the shakes and protein bars, all the programs. WW Jenny craig, Beach body, lean cousine, all this "fat free" and "sugar free" etc. and now clothing departments for children.

    its sooo sad. But I agree, everyone should have cute clothes options.
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    I struggled with weight my whole mom shopped at Sears for me because they carried plus size clothes back in the 80s!! It's nothing's just becoming something that is needing to be addressed!! I have a 14 year old who is skinny as can twins are on the heavier side and one of them needed larger girl clothes...not teenager clothes...but little girl clothes!! I shopped at JCPenny for her up until this past year when I let her move on to Junior clothes at the age of 12......
    School is hard enough for was hard for me so nothing has changed.....I just don't want her to have to worry about one more thing, such as clothes...while the world is in such a mean place!!!
    Just as with woman's plus size clothes...children plus size clothes are more expensive!!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    while I am saddened to see that kids needing plus sized clothes has grown so much in the past decade, it is great there is someone trying to help them look cute. Kids have enough esteem issues with out adding more reasons for others to pick on them.
    Bring on the cute clothes!
  • Mightytaco84
    Mightytaco84 Posts: 76 Member
    It's nice to have the plus size clothing for kids to fit in, it will actually hurt the kid's in the long run. If there's always a bigger shirt, some people may not realize how out of control their weight issue has become. Once again it's fine for parents to buy this clothing for their children, but they need to ensure they're feeding their kids the appropriate foods and are getting the appropriate amount of exercise.
  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I mean no disrespect WHATSOEVER!

    But I get so tired of seeing poor children that are overweight. Its soooo sad. and I cant help but blame the parents. If we all started teaching our children at a younger age then we wouldn't have these problems as adults. I wish my parents would have taught me more about nutrition when I was younger.

    AND, if we all learned how to be healthy at younger ages, then there wouldn't be cruel individuals who see it as a business opportunity. Just think about how much money is made that is targeted towards over weight people. all the fad diets, all the shakes and protein bars, all the programs. WW Jenny craig, Beach body, lean cousine, all this "fat free" and "sugar free" etc. and now clothing departments for children.

    its sooo sad. But I agree, everyone should have cute clothes options.

    I agree only because I've been there. I think it goes along with anything though...when you've come from somewhere to a better place in life you look at people who are following in those same steps and you wish you could help them. I see over weight children and I am so sad because I know the road they will take isn't gonna be easy or healthy.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I mean no disrespect WHATSOEVER!

    But I get so tired of seeing poor children that are overweight. Its soooo sad. and I cant help but blame the parents. If we all started teaching our children at a younger age then we wouldn't have these problems as adults. I wish my parents would have taught me more about nutrition when I was younger.

    AND, if we all learned how to be healthy at younger ages, then there wouldn't be cruel individuals who see it as a business opportunity. Just think about how much money is made that is targeted towards over weight people. all the fad diets, all the shakes and protein bars, all the programs. WW Jenny craig, Beach body, lean cousine, all this "fat free" and "sugar free" etc. and now clothing departments for children.

    its sooo sad. But I agree, everyone should have cute clothes options.

    I'm with you 100%
  • mauck7
    mauck7 Posts: 74
    Oh, my goodness this would be so nice to have, in our area. My husband has two children from a previous marriage. His ex refuses to let him speak to them or see them much at all. They weren't always bigger then most their age... We went 8 months without being able to see them. When we got them a month or two ago the kids were twice their healthy weight. TWICE. thats about 50lbs over weight. They are 9 and 11. His ex refuses to give them healthy food choices or force them to play outside rather then veg in front of the tv. It's sad. They are on track to be overly obese by high school. No one cares. We have tried all we can on our end...but I know she would feel so much better about herself, if she could wear things that made her feel like the princess she is. :-)