Can someone help me please?



  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Yes, you are right she did say that she went to a doctor to get help with losing weight...and that she was tested, with no medical issues. You are also correct that 1200 cals a day is not for everyone, it is actually quite low for many people.

    You most definietley do not have to agree with me, however i do see a problem with giving advise to a young impressionable girl that being on a 1000 calorie a day diet `worked for her`. I was a young girl with eating dissorders & implying that being on an extremely low calorie diet may work is completely upsetting to me!

    I am a personal trainer, with a background in nutrition. I know what works & what doesn`t... Starving yourself does not work...i know that not only from experience but from learning the science behind it.

    Here's the thing being a personal trainer and knowing nutrition is excellent, but we are not all the same. And honestly, you don't anything more about her than what she is writing here. I wouldn't be so quick to judge. If she is under a dr's care - who knows ALL about her vs what is written on a website - then I think it is under control.

    I've seen too many professionals be WAY too strict and set in their ways to accept that different people have to do different things in order for them to be successful. I've had personal trainers on this site tell me I eat WAY too many calories to lose weight. Funny.. because when I eat more calories, I actually LOSE weight vs when I eat too little and don't. We are all different.

    I love how you say i shouldn`t be quick to judge as you judge me....
    & then put me into a catagory with other trainers that have done you wrong...

    My whole intent with my posts was to make sure that the original poster didn`t think a 1000 calorie a day diet was healthy....
    If you all want to attack me for it...go ahead!!! I have big shoulders!! :)
  • Molly08
    Molly08 Posts: 153 Member
    I'd try to zig/zag your calories!