

  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Thanks a Bunch Lisa...My wife and I started off doing Atkins, but since I get in so much exercise a day, I try to get in more carbs. It is just that I do not have a taste for it. One of the things I love the most are almonds, and Lord knows I can eat a canful in a sitting. I realize that I need to get in more calories, but the dilemna is simply...Should I forcefeed myself, and if so, will there be repercussions on the backend?
  • MissMoxy08
    MissMoxy08 Posts: 32
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I havent Ate all day!! Im not hungry wat so ever.. -__- Ive been drinking water but not eating and i dont wanna force myself to eat! Sometimes i can go for days witout eating full meal maybe snack on some fruit every now and then but thats about it..

    Can some please Give me advice on what to do

    Thanks So Much :)

    Now REALLY, let's be honest...If you were not truly eating, why would you need to lose weight. Somewhere you are packing on the pounds. Success starts with being honest and accountable TO YOU FIRST. Just get a Plan and stick to it. Depending on your size, Start with at least 1200 calories per day for 6 weeks and Eat that NO MATTER What and a Moderate Exercise Routine!NOTHING EXTREME in Eating or Exercise. Don't do "Cheat Days" or any of that crap, that will "Fool" you. Just stick to the Plan and after 6 weeks see what happens.


    That's Beat-Up...trying to help and I get Yelled at. Truth often Bites!

    Thanks for the post i read it and i know that i need intake 1200-1500 calories a day which wud be hard since im not a big eater
    and i wasnt yelling sorry if you felt that way but im intaking your help and im greatful for it!! :)

    No problem :-) Now here's My problem in understanding what you are writing...You say you are not a "Big" eater...what does that mean if you are overweight? Are you saying you eat junk food that carry a lot of empty calories or high carb, which means that you EAT a LOT of calories BUT NOT much food. Example: If you eat an Angus Burger or Double Quarter Pounder from McD and large fries; or Fried chicken and large fries...then you have not eaten much for the day but probably OVER your calories and sodium requirements for the day. OR if you eat like a "munchkin" for 5 days and THEN Eat pizza and buffalo wings, or some other fast type food just ONE day a will gain weight and FOOLED into believing you have NO Appetite, when in reality your Appetite is for something else-other than healthy food. That's why reading the Articles are so important. I SPEAK from EXPERIENCE.

    Choose a Healthy Eating Plan and EAT...don't skip and don't have "Cheat Days" because you missed meals. Your appetite will come back and hopefully eating habits will change. Making yourself eat Healthy Food is a GOOD Habit. Be Well
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I used to be in the same boat as you. In fact I barely ever get hunger pangs and then before I know it I'm shaking.

    My saving grace is breakfast. I literally force fed myself something every morning until I got into the routine of eating a full breakfast.

    I don't care if you feel sick or you are not hungry. FORCE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT.

    Seriously, you won't be sick and you will start to feel amazing real quick.

    Even if it is piece of fruit or a glass of milk. Start small and work up to a proper breakfast, but just do it!
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member

    ....then you have not eaten much for the day but probably OVER your calories and sodium requirements for the day...

    Oh my - this was me pre-MFP. It would be offensive to other users to say I was over-weight because I'm really not but I definitely had a whacked up way of eating. I would barely eat some days and then others I'd stuff my face. So bad.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    Thanks a Bunch Lisa...My wife and I started off doing Atkins, but since I get in so much exercise a day, I try to get in more carbs. It is just that I do not have a taste for it. One of the things I love the most are almonds, and Lord knows I can eat a canful in a sitting. I realize that I need to get in more calories, but the dilemna is simply...Should I forcefeed myself, and if so, will there be repercussions on the backend?

    Well I did it for years and was healthy, worked out and felt good. That style of eating didn't ultimately work for me (ie, i'm back here now) but, if you are eating at least 25 NET CARBS and healthy fiber daily and feel good. Who am I to get on you.

    Also, important note.. the diet does expect you to keep increasing your daily NET CARBS incrementally after each week finding that healthy place to keep losing at a slow pace. Induction carb ratios are just for the first two weeks for most people to curb hunger and to switch your body to start burning fat.

    FYI - When I started Atkins I did a lot of reading about it. I thought it was really bad for you and tried to prove it. I found nothing (that was on an actual .org or .edu website) that proved it bad for you unless you had kidney issues OR if you didn't actually follow the diet by ignoring the bodies need for natural fiber (daily cups of greens required).

    Now... if you don't feel good, strong (after the first week of induction) then you need to fine tune for you!
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    By not eating you are slowing your metabolism down and you will hinder any weight loss attempt in the long run. Starving yourself is not a long term solution to success. Start with breakfast every morning and eat very small portions if you're not wanting a big meal but you must just make yourself eat, you body, brain, skin and hair need it even if you don't fancy it.