Weight watchers didn't work...

sak90027 Posts: 12 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself

i'm new here as most of you here. I was a lifetime member of weight watchers and maintained my weight for years until i got pregnant. i gained a whopping 50lbs or so and after breast feeding forever the lbs never came off so i went back on the plan.

so far i've lost 17lbs on Weight Watchers but for 3 months now i've been the same weight. i actually gave up a last year b/c i can't seem to break thru the weight i'm at (149lbs) I've gone up and down but I haven't officially lost anything for months now. I've been stuck at this weight even adding in more exercise so i'm trying something new to get back to 135lbs.

so i quit weight watchers and here i am! has anyone else experienced WW not working for them?


  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    It seems that way for me too. I thought it was just me goofing up.
    many people are losing, but it like those free foods, fruits and vegetables are easy to overeat. I will keep at it for 6 months before I change. I am also try to eat under points, coz I keep thinking there are too many calories in these points. I like to 'cut loose' one day each week and go over points.
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