The Yooper Tourist Trap

OK folks... if ya wanna know all aboot Da Yew Pee of Michigan, and why we abso luv it dere, den ya gotta stop by and see it... It's worth the drive from *anywhere* and well worth the price of admission (free) :laugh:


  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    OK folks... if ya wanna know all aboot Da Yew Pee of Michigan, and why we abso luv it dere, den ya gotta stop by and see it... It's worth the drive from *anywhere* and well worth the price of admission (free) :laugh:
  • VishousBabe
    Hi! I went to visit my boyfriend in august. He lives in ohio. We went to the U.P. for 2 days, so he could show me the beauty of the place. He would like to retire in a few yearsand we'd spend summers there. I'm all for that now. The area is amazingly beautiful and we met some of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet. Can't wait til I can take a few days off closer to fall and go back. It was very sad to leave. Oh, and Yea, it was sad to leave him , too! ha ha!
  • VishousBabe
    Just checked out the site!!! So funny!! I really gotta go back now!!!
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    When we travel to the UP people always tease us about driving the 24 hours rather than flying. I always tell them it is worth the gas money because the beauty of the UP is unbelievable. I love all the roadside parks. My DH and I went to Mackinaw Island. We biked to the top and looked out. It was like being in the tropics. The lake was such beautiful blue green clear to the bottom. Amazing!
  • pecksun8
    ahhhh... the UP, iron mountain and beautiful sites.
  • kleimola
    kleimola Posts: 210 Member
    OK folks... if ya wanna know all aboot Da Yew Pee of Michigan, and why we abso luv it dere, den ya gotta stop by and see it... It's worth the drive from *anywhere* and well worth the price of admission (free) :laugh:

    Hey ever go see Paulding Light?
  • pecksun8
    perogies and beer!
  • Juliebean
    I don't make it up there nearly often enough. Thanks for reminding me how fun it is! Maybe I'll take a trip to da UP after the leaves start to change, eh? :smile: