Old Friends

veriviki Posts: 44
I used to be best friends with this girl a few years ago. She started to hang out with a new group a friends and long story short we lost touch. At the time I was mad of course because I didn't understand how someone just ditches their best friend. Keep in mind this happened almost 3 years ago, and I haven't talked to her once since. Completely out of the blue I get an e-mail from her today saying she's sorry and wishes things could have been different. She said it still bothers her that she lost her best friend. She told me she would like for us to at least be acquaintances again. I am not mad at her or anything, I haven't been for a long time, I just have absolutely no idea what to say to her. I would like for us to at least try and talk, but I just have no idea how to go about that. Any advice would be great!


  • ajk828
    ajk828 Posts: 335
    I am not mad at her or anything, I haven't been for a long time, I just have absolutely no idea what to say to her. I would like for us to at least try and talk, but I just have no idea how to go about that.

    tell her EXACTLY that :)
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    First things first, can you forgive her and let the past be the past. If you have anger, hurt or resentment pent up somewhere the talk will be awkward.

    If your over it, by all means get together and have coffee. Explore what you still have in common and share some old memories. It will be fun.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Admit that it hurt you, and acknowledge that it hurt because you really valued her friendship. Because you value her and her friendship, you are happy that she has contacted you, and you had just given her the space to come around when she felt the time was right.
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    sometimes people cross paths again for a reason, You may want to just sit and hear her out. If you were great friends years ago then it shouldnt be to hard to pick up where you left off. Talk about what is current in your lives now and how nice it is to re-connect. NO harm No foul ! Girl Life is to short , maybe there is a reson she is back around !!!!!!!!

    You can never have enough friends so invite her with open arms !
  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    I was in a similar situation with my bestie. I got pregnant and she had a lot going on and I think we just needed a break. When we first reconnected I took things really slow. She had said some hurtful things and once she apologized and I felt she was sorry without words we slowly got right back on track. The BFF dynamic is a blessing and sometimes you just need space to grow. Now, we appreciate each other and don't take each other for granted.

    Hear what she has to say - speak your mind honestly through love and what will be will be.

    Good luck.
  • missymarea
    missymarea Posts: 51 Member
    Just by saying "Hello" and "How have you been" would be a great start. I had a best friend who did the same thing (and some other things that I didn't kno about at first). It was years before we spoke again. But today we email/IM at least once a week. We will never be as close as we once were but I still love her as a close friend and would help her out if she needs it. We both are sorry for letting our friendship go, but time and life changes us all. Best of luch hun! :happy:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    You have every reason to wonder what happened and if it had anything to do with you or not.
    But even the best of friends can wander and drift apart for no apparent reason.

    Perhaps she has something to share with you about what happened .... or not.

    Why not meet up and see where things are and if you have anything in common to continue the friendship?

    Or if not, then let it go and Move Along Little Doggy! :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I used to be best friends with this girl a few years ago. She started to hang out with a new group a friends and long story short we lost touch. At the time I was mad of course because I didn't understand how someone just ditches their best friend. Keep in mind this happened almost 3 years ago, and I haven't talked to her once since. Completely out of the blue I get an e-mail from her today saying she's sorry and wishes things could have been different. She said it still bothers her that she lost her best friend. She told me she would like for us to at least be acquaintances again. I am not mad at her or anything, I haven't been for a long time, I just have absolutely no idea what to say to her. I would like for us to at least try and talk, but I just have no idea how to go about that. Any advice would be great!

    2 days ago, I went on Facebook to find a good friend that I have known since 6th grade (1986). She and I would lose touch and then re-connect after a few years.......I found her facebook.....posted on it was her obituary. She was 38 years old. She died in October 2010. She was a victim of a homicide/suicide....she was found 10 days later in her home, up against the door with her cell phone in her hand trying to call for help. Her boyfriend feet away...the gun between them. He killed her.....my heart is still so heavy. I wish I would not have let 4 years go before I looked for her.

    Just start over. reminace about the good old days and be friends. Life is too short. She is back, you loved her then. Find a way to get it back, before its too late.:heart: